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IIsWebVirtualDirSetting (WMI)

This class corresponds to the IIsWebVirtualDir IIS Admin object, and contains the read-write properties for the object.

Parent Class

IIsSetting (WMI)


The table below lists properties other than those that are inherited from parent classes:

Property Name Data Type Description
AzEnable Boolean

Please see AzEnable in the Metabase Property Reference.

AzStoreName String

Please see AzStoreName in the Metabase Property Reference.

AzScopeName String

Please see AzScopeName in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspCalcLineNumber Boolean

Please see AspCalcLineNumber in the Metabase Property Reference.

AdminACLBin[] Array of UINT8

Please see AdminACLBin[] in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed SINT32

Please see AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed in the Metabase Property Reference.

MaxRequestEntityAllowed SINT32

Please see MaxRequestEntityAllowed in the Metabase Property Reference.

AnonymousUserName String

Please see AnonymousUserName in the Metabase Property Reference.

AnonymousUserPass String

Please see AnonymousUserPass in the Metabase Property Reference.

AnonymousPasswordSync Boolean

Please see AnonymousPasswordSync in the Metabase Property Reference.

UseDigestSSP Boolean

Please see UseDigestSSP in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppFriendlyName String

Please see AppFriendlyName in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppOopRecoverLimit SINT32

Please see AppOopRecoverLimit in the Metabase Property Reference.

CacheISAPI Boolean

Please see CacheISAPI in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppAllowDebugging Boolean

Please see AppAllowDebugging in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppAllowClientDebug Boolean

Please see AppAllowClientDebug in the Metabase Property Reference.

DefaultLogonDomain String

Please see DefaultLogonDomain in the Metabase Property Reference.

LogonMethod SINT32

Please see LogonMethod in the Metabase Property Reference.

CGITimeout SINT32

Please see CGITimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.

Realm String

Please see Realm in the Metabase Property Reference.

DontLog Boolean

Please see DontLog in the Metabase Property Reference.

HttpExpires String

Please see HttpExpires in the Metabase Property Reference.

HttpPics[] Array of String

Please see HttpPics in the Metabase Property Reference.

HttpCustomHeaders[] Array of HttpCustomHeader

Please see HttpCustomHeaders in the Metabase Property Reference.

HttpErrors[] Array of HttpError

Please see HttpErrors in the Metabase Property Reference.

EnableDocFooter Boolean

Please see EnableDocFooter in the Metabase Property Reference.

DefaultDocFooter String

Please see DefaultDocFooter in the Metabase Property Reference.

HttpRedirect String

Please see HttpRedirect in the Metabase Property Reference.

DefaultDoc String

Please see DefaultDoc in the Metabase Property Reference.

ContentIndexed Boolean

Please see ContentIndexed in the Metabase Property Reference.

CacheControlMaxAge SINT32

Please see CacheControlMaxAge in the Metabase Property Reference.

CacheControlNoCache Boolean

Please see CacheControlNoCache in the Metabase Property Reference.

CacheControlCustom String

Please see CacheControlCustom in the Metabase Property Reference.

CreateProcessAsUser Boolean

Please see CreateProcessAsUser in the Metabase Property Reference.

PoolIdcTimeout SINT32

Please see PoolIdcTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.

RedirectHeaders String

Please see RedirectHeaders in the Metabase Property Reference.

UploadReadAheadSize SINT32

Please see UploadReadAheadSize in the Metabase Property Reference.

FrontPageWeb Boolean

Please see FrontPageWeb in the Metabase Property Reference.

Path String

Please see Path in the Metabase Property Reference.

UNCUserName String

Please see UNCUserName in the Metabase Property Reference.

UNCPassword String

Please see UNCPassword in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppWamClsid String

Please see AppWamClsid in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthPersistence SINT32

Please see AuthPersistence in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessFlags SINT32

Please see AccessFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSLFlags SINT32

Please see AccessSSLFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.

ScriptMaps[] Array of ScriptMap

Please see ScriptMaps in the Metabase Property Reference.

SSIExecDisable Boolean

Please see SSIExecDisable in the Metabase Property Reference.

EnableReverseDns Boolean

Please see EnableReverseDns in the Metabase Property Reference.

CreateCGIWithNewConsole Boolean

Please see CreateCGIWithNewConsole in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspBufferingOn Boolean

Please see AspBufferingOn in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspLogErrorRequests Boolean

Please see AspLogErrorRequests in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser Boolean

Please see AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptErrorMessage String

Please see AspScriptErrorMessage in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspAllowOutOfProcComponents Boolean

Please see AspAllowOutOfProcComponents in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptFileCacheSize SINT32

Please see AspScriptFileCacheSize in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspDiskTemplateCacheDirectory String

Please see AspDiskTemplateCacheDirectory in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspMaxDiskTemplateCacheFiles SINT32

Please see AspMaxDiskTemplateCacheFiles in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptEngineCacheMax SINT32

Please see AspScriptEngineCacheMax in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptTimeout SINT32

Please see AspScriptTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspSessionTimeout SINT32

Please see AspSessionTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableParentPaths Boolean

Please see AspEnableParentPaths in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspAllowSessionState Boolean

Please see AspAllowSessionState in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspScriptLanguage String

Please see AspScriptLanguage in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspExceptionCatchEnable Boolean

Please see AspExceptionCatchEnable in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspCodepage SINT32

Please see AspCodepage in the Metabase Property Reference.


Please see AspLCID in the Metabase Property Reference.

MimeMap[] Array of MimeMap

Please see MimeMap in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspQueueTimeout SINT32

Please see AspQueueTimeout in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableAspHtmlFallback Boolean

Please see AspEnableAspHtmlFallback in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableChunkedEncoding Boolean

Please see AspEnableChunkedEncoding in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableTypelibCache Boolean

Please see AspEnableTypelibCache in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspErrorsToNTLog Boolean

Please see AspErrorsToNTLog in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspProcessorThreadMax SINT32

Please see AspProcessorThreadMax in the Metabase Property Reference.

Name String

The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.

AspTrackThreadingModel Boolean

Please see AspTrackThreadingModel in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspRequestQueueMax SINT32

Please see AspRequestQueueMax in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableApplicationRestart Boolean

Please see AspEnableApplicationRestart in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspQueueConnectionTestTime SINT32

Please see AspQueueConnectionTestTime in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspSessionMax SINT32

Please see AspSessionMax in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateEnabled Boolean

Please see AspThreadGateEnabled in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateTimeSlice SINT32

Please see AspThreadGateTimeSlice in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateSleepDelay SINT32

Please see AspThreadGateSleepDelay in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateSleepMax SINT32

Please see AspThreadGateSleepMax in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateLoadLow SINT32

Please see AspThreadGateLoadLow in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspThreadGateLoadHigh SINT32

Please see AspThreadGateLoadHigh in the Metabase Property Reference.

ShutdownTimeLimit SINT32

Please see ShutdownTimeLimit in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseFlags SINT32

Please see DirBrowseFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthFlags SINT32

Please see AuthFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.

Win32Error SINT32

Please see Win32Error in the Metabase Property Reference.

AppPoolId String

Please see AppPoolId in the Metabase Property Reference.

DoStaticCompression Boolean

Please see DoStaticCompression in the Metabase Property Reference.

DoDynamicCompression Boolean

Please see DoDynamicCompression in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspPartitionID String

Please see AspPartitionID in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspSxsName String

Please see AspSxsName in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspAppServiceFlags SINT32

Please see AspAppServiceFlags in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspKeepSessionIDSecure SINT32

Please see AspKeepSessionIDSecure in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspExecuteInMTA SINT32

Please see AspExecuteInMTA in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspRunOnEndAnonymously Boolean

Please see AspRunOnEndAnonymously in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspBufferingLimit SINT32

Please see AspBufferingLimit in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthPersistSingleRequest Boolean

Please see AuthPersistSingleRequest in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessRead Boolean

Please see AccessRead in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessWrite Boolean

Please see AccessWrite in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessExecute Boolean

Please see AccessExecute in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSource Boolean

Please see AccessSource in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessScript Boolean

Please see AccessScript in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessNoRemoteWrite Boolean

Please see AccessNoRemoteWrite in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessNoRemoteExecute Boolean

Please see AccessNoRemoteExecute in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessNoRemoteRead Boolean

Please see AccessNoRemoteRead in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessNoRemoteScript Boolean

Please see AccessNoRemoteScript in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSL Boolean

Please see AccessSSL in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSLNegotiateCert Boolean

Please see AccessSSLNegotiateCert in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSLRequireCert Boolean

Please see AccessSSLRequireCert in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSLMapCert Boolean

Please see AccessSSLMapCert in the Metabase Property Reference.

AccessSSL128 Boolean

Please see AccessSSL128 in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseShowDate Boolean

Please see DirBrowseShowDate in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseShowTime Boolean

Please see DirBrowseShowTime in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseShowSize Boolean

Please see DirBrowseShowSize in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseShowExtension Boolean

Please see DirBrowseShowExtension in the Metabase Property Reference.

DirBrowseShowLongDate Boolean

Please see DirBrowseShowLongDate in the Metabase Property Reference.

EnableDefaultDoc Boolean

Please see EnableDefaultDoc in the Metabase Property Reference.

EnableDirBrowsing Boolean

Please see EnableDirBrowsing in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthAnonymous Boolean

Please see AuthAnonymous in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthBasic Boolean

Please see AuthBasic in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthNTLM Boolean

Please see AuthNTLM in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthMD5 Boolean

Please see AuthMD5 in the Metabase Property Reference.

AuthPassport Boolean

Please see AuthPassport in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableTracker Boolean

Please see AspEnableTracker in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspEnableSxs Boolean

Please see AspEnableSxs in the Metabase Property Reference.

AspUsePartition Boolean

Please see AspUsePartition in the Metabase Property Reference.