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There are three main ways to create dynamic content on your Web server: through Active Server Pages (ASP) pages, Component Object Model (COM) components, and Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filters and extensions. There are two main ways to manage the content and configuration settings on your Web server: through IIS Manager graphical user interface (GUI), or programmatically using scripts and COM components.

In this section of the documentation are descriptions of IIS code samples for ASP pages, COM components, ISAPI filters and extensions, and programmatic administration scripts. IIS samples are included in the IIS Software Developer Kit (SDK). You can download the IIS SDK from Platform SDK Update. You can view the SDK at MSDN Online. In the table of contents at MSDN Online, click Web Development, Server Technologies, Internet Information Services (IIS), SDK Documentation, Internet Information Services, Samples.

The samples are organized into the following sections:

Group Description Coding Languages Related Documentation
ASP Code Samples Pointers to documentation that contain ASP code examples or examples of code that can be used from an ASP page. Mostly written in VBScript with some JScript Web Application Guide and

Active Server Pages Reference

COM Component Code Samples Samples of COM components that can be called from ASP pages Mostly written in Visual Basic (VB) with some in Visual C++ Building COM Components for ASP,

Accessing ASP Built-In Objects from Components Reference

ISAPI Extension Code Samples Samples of source code that compile into ISAPI extensions that use COM, keep-alive connections, server variables, redirection, forms, CGI, chunked transfer encoding, and synchronous I/O Written in Visual C++ Developing ISAPI Extensions and Filters,

Developing ISAPI Extensions,

Extension Reference, and

ISAPI Reference

Filter Code Samples Samples of source code that compile into ISAPI filters that perform tasks such as uppercase conversion, cookie impersonation, and authentication. Written in Visual C++ Developing ISAPI Extensions and Filters,

Developing ISAPI Filters,

Filter Reference, and

ISAPI Reference

Samples for Programmatic Administration Samples illustrating how to manage your Web server using script files and compiled applications Mostly written VBScript with some JScript and Visual C++ using WMI, ADSI and ABO Programmatic Administration Guide,

Using IIS Interfaces for Advanced Programmatic Administration,

Programmatic Administration Reference, and

IIS Programming Reference

important Important These samples are provided for educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used in a production environment, have not been tested in a production environment, and Microsoft does not provide technical support for them.