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GatewayOperationsExtensions Members

Represents the extensions for Virtual Network Gateway management.

The following tables list the members exposed by the GatewayOperationsExtensions type.

Public Methods

  Name Description
public method static BeginConnectDisconnectOrTesting Initiates the connection, disconnection, or test of a connection to a local network site.
public method static BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync Asynchronously initiates the connection, disconnection, or test of a connection to a local network site.
public method static BeginCreating Initiates the creation of a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static BeginCreatingAsync Asynchronously initiates the creation of a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static BeginDeleting Initiates the deletion of a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static BeginDeletingAsync Asynchronously initiates the deletion of a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static BeginFailover Initiates the forcing of a gateway failover, which deactivates the primary Virtual Network Gateway and switches over to a secondary gateway.
public method static BeginFailoverAsync Asynchronously initiates the forcing of a gateway failover, which deactivates the primary Virtual Network Gateway and switches over to a secondary gateway.
public method static BeginResetSharedKey Initiates the reset of the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static BeginResetSharedKeyAsync Asynchronously initiates the reset of the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static ConnectDisconnectOrTest Connects, disconnects, or tests of a connection to a local network site.
public method static ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync Asynchronously connects, disconnects, or tests of a connection to a local network site.
public method static Create Creates a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static CreateAsync Asynchronously creates a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static Delete Deletes a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static DeleteAsync Asynchronously deletes a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static Failover Forces a gateway failover, which deactivates the primary Virtual Network Gateway and switches over to a secondary gateway.
public method static FailoverAsync Asynchronously forces a gateway failover, which deactivates the primary Virtual Network Gateway and switches over to a secondary gateway.
public method static GenerateVpnClientPackage Creates a VPN client package for a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync Asynchronously creates a VPN client package for a Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static Get Retrieves information about the Virtual Network Gateway, such as its IP address and provisioning state.
public method static GetAsync Asynchronously retrieves information about the Virtual Network Gateway, such as its IP address and provisioning state.
public method static GetDeviceConfigurationScript Retrieves a script that can be used to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway.
public method static GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync Asynchronously retrieves a script that can be used to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway.
public method static GetOperationStatus Retrieves the status of a Virtual Network Gateway operation.
public method static GetOperationStatusAsync Asynchronously retrieves the status of a Virtual Network Gateway operation.
public method static GetSharedKey Retrieves the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static GetSharedKeyAsync Asynchronously retrieves the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static ListConnections Lists the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway.
public method static ListConnectionsAsync Asynchronously lists the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway.
public method static ListSupportedDevices Lists the supported and on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway.
public method static ListSupportedDevicesAsync Asynchronously lists the supported and on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway.
public method static ResetSharedKey Resets the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.
public method static ResetSharedKeyAsync Asynchronously resets the shared key on the Virtual Network Gateway.


See Also


GatewayOperationsExtensions Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.VirtualNetworks Namespace