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Publish data to an MQTT broker using the data processor


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You will need to deploy a new Azure IoT Operations installation when a generally available release is made available, you won't be able to upgrade a preview installation.

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Use the MQ destination to publish processed messages to an MQTT broker, such as an MQTT broker instance, on the edge. The data processor connects to an MQTT broker by using MQTT v5.0. The destination publishes messages to the MQTT broker as the stage receives them. The MQ destination doesn't support batching.


To configure and use a destination pipeline stage, you need a deployed instance of the data processor that includes the optional data processor component.

Configure the destination stage

The MQ destination stage JSON configuration defines the details of the stage. To author the stage, you can either interact with the form-based UI, or provide the JSON configuration on the Advanced tab:

Field Type Description Required Default Example
Name String A name to show in the data processor UI. Yes - MQTT broker output
Description String A user-friendly description of what the stage does. No Write to topic default/topic1
Broker String The broker address. Yes - mqtt://mqttEndpoint.cluster.local:1111
Authentication String The authentication details to connect to MQTT broker. None/Username/Password/Service account token (SAT) Yes Service account token (SAT) Username/Password
Username String The username to use when Authentication is set to Username/Password. No - myusername
Password String The secret reference for the password to use when Authentication is set to Username/Password. No - mysecret
Topic Static/Dynamic The topic definition. String if type is static, jq path if type is dynamic. Yes - ".topic"
Data Format1 String The format to serialize messages to. Yes - Raw
User properties A list of key/value pairs List of custom user properties to set on each MQTT message. Can include static information or data from each message. No []

| Retry | Retry | The retry policy to use. | No | default | fixed |

1Data format: Use the data processor's built-in serializer to serialize your messages to the following Formats before it publishes messages to the MQTT broker:

  • Raw
  • JSON
  • JSONStream
  • CSV
  • Protobuf
  • MessagePack
  • CBOR

Select Raw when you don't require serialization. Raw sends the data to the MQTT broker in its current format.

Sample configuration

The following JSON example shows a complete MQ destination stage configuration that writes the entire message to the MQ pipelineOutput topic:

    "displayName": "MQ - 67e929",
    "type": "output/mqtt@v1",
    "viewOptions": {
        "position": {
            "x": 0,
            "y": 992
    "broker": "tls://aio-mq-dmqtt-frontend:8883",
    "qos": 1,
    "authentication": {
        "type": "serviceAccountToken"
    "topic": {
        "type": "static",
        "value": "pipelineOutput"
    "format": {
        "type": "json",
        "path": "."
    "userProperties": [],
    "retry": {
        "type": "fixed",
        "interval": "20s",
        "maxRetries": 4

The configuration defines that:

  • Authentication is done by using service account token.
  • The topic is a static string called pipelineOutput.
  • The output format is JSON.
  • The format path is . to ensure the entire data processor message is written to MQ. To write just the payload, change the path to ``.payload`.


The following example shows a sample input message to the MQ destination stage:

  "payload": {
    "Batch": 102,
    "CurrentTemperature": 7109,
    "Customer": "Contoso",
    "Equipment": "Boiler",
    "IsSpare": true,
    "LastKnownTemperature": 7109,
    "Location": "Seattle",
    "Pressure": 7109,
    "Timestamp": "2023-08-10T00:54:58.6572007Z",
    "assetName": "oven"
  "qos": 0,
  "systemProperties": {
    "partitionId": 0,
    "partitionKey": "quickstart",
    "timestamp": "2023-11-06T23:42:51.004Z"
  "topic": "quickstart"