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Configure private IP addresses for a virtual machine (Classic) using the Azure classic CLI

A virtual machine (VM) is automatically assigned a private IP address from a range that you specify, based on the subnet it is deployed in. The address is retained by a VM until the VM is deleted. Azure dynamically assigns the next available private IP address from the subnet you create a VM in. Assign a static IP address if you want a specific IP address from the subnet assigned to the VM.


Before you work with Azure resources, it's important to understand that Azure currently has two deployment models: Azure Resource Manager and classic. Make sure you understand deployment models and tools before you work with any Azure resource. You can view the documentation for different tools by clicking the tabs at the top of this article.

This article covers the classic deployment model. You can also manage a static private IP address in the Resource Manager deployment model.

The sample Azure classic CLI commands that follow expect a simple environment already created. If you want to run the commands as they are displayed in this document, first build the test environment described in create a vnet.

How to specify a static private IP address when creating a VM

To create a new VM named DNS01 in a new cloud service named TestService based on the scenario above, follow these steps:

  1. If you have never used Azure CLI, see Install and Configure the Azure CLI and follow the instructions up to the point where you select your Azure account and subscription.

  2. Run the azure service create command to create the cloud service.

     azure service create TestService --location uscentral

    Expected output:

     info:    Executing command service create
     info:    Creating cloud service
     data:    Cloud service name TestService
     info:    service create command OK
  3. Run the azure create vm command to create the VM. Notice the value for a static private IP address. The list shown after the output explains the parameters used.

     azure vm create -l centralus -n DNS01 -w TestVNet -S "" TestService bd507d3a70934695bc2128e3e5a255ba__RightImage-Windows-2012R2-x64-v14.2 adminuser AdminP@ssw0rd

    Expected output:

     info:    Executing command vm create
     warn:    --vm-size has not been specified. Defaulting to "Small".
     info:    Looking up image bd507d3a70934695bc2128e3e5a255ba__RightImage-Windows-2012R2-x64-v14.2
     info:    Looking up virtual network
     info:    Looking up cloud service
     warn:    --location option will be ignored
     info:    Getting cloud service properties
     info:    Looking up deployment
     info:    Retrieving storage accounts
     info:    Creating VM
     info:    OK
     info:    vm create command OK
    • -l (or --location). Azure region where the VM will be created. For our scenario, centralus.
    • -n (or --vm-name). Name of the VM to be created.
    • -w (or --virtual-network-name). Name of the VNet where the VM will be created.
    • -S (or --static-ip). Static private IP address for the VM.
    • TestService. Name of the cloud service where the VM will be created.
    • bd507d3a70934695bc2128e3e5a255ba__RightImage-Windows-2012R2-x64-v14.2. Image used to create the VM.
    • adminuser. Local administrator for the Windows VM.
    • AdminP@ssw0rd. Local administrator password for the Windows VM.

How to retrieve static private IP address information for a VM

To view the static private IP address information for the VM created with the script above, run the following Azure CLI command and observe the value for Network StaticIP:

azure vm static-ip show DNS01

Expected output:

info:    Executing command vm static-ip show
info:    Getting virtual machines
data:    Network StaticIP ""
info:    vm static-ip show command OK

How to remove a static private IP address from a VM

To remove the static private IP address added to the VM in the script above, run the following Azure CLI command:

azure vm static-ip remove DNS01

Expected output:

info:    Executing command vm static-ip remove
info:    Getting virtual machines
info:    Reading network configuration
info:    Updating network configuration
info:    vm static-ip remove command OK

How to add a static private IP to an existing VM

To add a static private IP address to the VM created using the script above, run the following command:

azure vm static-ip set DNS01

Expected output:

info:    Executing command vm static-ip set
info:    Getting virtual machines
info:    Looking up virtual network
info:    Reading network configuration
info:    Updating network configuration
info:    vm static-ip set command OK

Set IP addresses within the operating system

It’s recommended that you do not statically assign the private IP assigned to the Azure virtual machine within the operating system of a VM, unless necessary. If you do manually set the private IP address within the operating system, ensure that it is the same address as the private IP address assigned to the Azure VM, or you can lose connectivity to the virtual machine. Do not manually assign the public IP address assigned to an Azure virtual machine within the virtual machine's operating system.

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