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How to: Add a Domain Enumeration (DSL Explorer)

You can add domain enumerations using DSL Explorer, and you can configure them under the Domain Types node of DSL Explorer. You add domain enumeration types to your domain-specific language definition as described in the following procedure.

To add a domain enumeration using DSL Explorer

  1. In DSL Explorer, right-click the Dsl node, and click Add Domain Enumeration.

    A domain enumeration type appears under the Domain Types node in DSL Explorer and is highlighted.

  2. In the Properties window, set the Is Flags property to True to define as a flags enumeration.

  3. Set the Name property to an applicable name.

  4. Modify any additional properties as needed.

  5. Add enumeration literals. For more information, see How to: Add Enumeration Literals.

See Also


Defining the Domain-Specific Language in Domain-Specific Language Explorer

Working with Domain Types in Domain-Specific Language Explorer

Domain-Specific Language Tools Glossary