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How to: Add Enumeration Literals

You can add enumeration literals to domain enumeration types as described in the following procedure.

To add enumeration literals using DSL Explorer

  1. In DSL Explorer, expand the Domain Types node.

  2. In the list of domain types, right-click the domain enumeration type to which you want to add enumeration literals, and click Add New Enumeration Literal.


    To add a domain enumeration type, use the Dsl node in DSL Explorer. For more information, see How to: Add a Domain Enumeration (DSL Explorer).

    A new enumeration literal appears under the Literals node that is associated with the domain enumeration that you selected.

  3. In the Properties window, set the Name property to an appropriate name.

  4. Set the Value property to a value that you want to use for the enumeration literal.

See Also


Working with Domain Types in Domain-Specific Language Explorer