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ConstraintMember Complex Type Complex Type

ConstraintMember Complex Type

Defines a set of input values for a particular constraint definition. The member can identify static values for settings and can use input statements to bind a constraint setting to a path.

<xs:complexType name="ConstraintMember"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="Member" > <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" > <xs:element name="Input" type="Input" />

  • Input
    List of inputs to the constraint. An input identifies a path to the source setting value that will be passed to the constraint, and the constraint setting that will be set as a result. The source setting definition and the constraint setting definition must be compatible.

</xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="RaiseError" type="boolean" use="optional" />

  • RaiseError
    true if an error is raised when the constraint catches a problem with the input values; otherwise false.

<xs:attribute name="Evaluate" type="ConstraintEvaluation" use="optional" />

  • Evaluate
    A value that defines when the constraint will be evaluated.

</xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>

  • ConstraintMember

Child Elements

Element Type Description
Input Input

List of inputs to the constraint. An input identifies a path to the source setting value that will be passed to the constraint, and the constraint setting that will be set as a result. The source setting definition and the constraint setting definition must be compatible.


Name Type Description
Evaluate ConstraintEvaluation

A value that defines when the constraint will be evaluated.

RaiseError boolean

true if an error is raised when the constraint catches a problem with the input values; otherwise false.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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Build date: 10/2/2007