Represents a composite Transform composed of other Transform objects.
XAML | |
Scripting |
To create an object using scripting, see CreateFromXAML.
XAML Values
oneOrMoreTransforms | One or more object elements that derive from Transform. These can be one or more of the following: RotateTransform, ScaleTransform, SkewTransform, TranslateTransform, MatrixTransform, TransformGroup. Object elements defined here become members of the collection held by the Children property, when accessed by scripting at runtime. |
Equals, FindName, GetHost, GetValue, SetValue
Use a TransformGroup when you want to apply multiple Transform objects to a single property.
In a composite transformation, the order of individual transformations is important. For example, if you first rotate, then scale, then translate, you get a different result than if you first translate, then rotate, then scale. One reason order is significant is that transformations such as rotation and scaling are done with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. Scaling an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than scaling an object that has been moved away from the origin. Similarly, rotating an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than rotating an object that has been moved away from the origin.
In XAML usages, TransformGroup uses Children as its content property and supports implicit collection usage. Therefore, to declare transforms that will be in a TransformGroup in XAML, you declare one or more transforms as object elements, placing them in order as the child elements of the TransformGroup. Nesting TransformGroups is permitted.
The following example shows the markup for using a TransformGroup to fill the RenderTransform property.
<Canvas xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="200" Height="200"> <TextBlock FontSize="28" Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="100" Width="50" Height="50" Text="Hello"> <TextBlock.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <RotateTransform Angle="45" /> <SkewTransform CenterX="0" CenterY="0" AngleX="60"/> </TransformGroup> </TextBlock.RenderTransform> </TextBlock> </Canvas> |
See Also
Transform Overview