SkewTransform Object
Represents a 2-D skew applied to an object.
<SkewTransform .../>
Scripting |
To create an object using scripting, see CreateFromXAML.
AngleX, AngleY, CenterX, CenterY, Name
Equals, FindName, GetHost, GetValue, SetValue
The local origin 0,0 for an object can be offset on a Canvas using Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top, but this does not count as a transform; the object retains its own local 0,0 in this case for transformation purposes. For details on this concept, see Object Layout in Silverlight.
Multiple transforms can be applied with a TransformGroup. Custom transforms can be created with a MatrixTransform.
The following illustration shows three examples of a SkewTransform applied to a Rectangle.
TextBlock using a SkewTransform
Transforms can alter the display of text in your application to create a decorative effect. The following illustration shows text skewed along the x-axis.
Text skewed along the x-axis
Note A typeface can simulate an italic style by shearing, or skewing, a glyph. However, a non-simulated italic typeface is typically designed to have a better visual appearance than a simulated italic typeface.
The following JavaScript example uses a SkewTransform to skew text. A skew, also known as a shear, is a transformation that stretches the coordinate space in a non-uniform manner. In this example, the two text strings are skewed -30 degrees and 30 degrees along the x-coordinate.
<!-- Skew the text using a SkewTransform. --> <TextBlock FontSize="32" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Maroon" Text="Skewed Text"> <TextBlock.RenderTransform> <SkewTransform AngleX="-30" AngleY="0" /> </TextBlock.RenderTransform> </TextBlock> <TextBlock Canvas.Top="60" FontSize="32" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Maroon" Text="Skewed Text"> <TextBlock.RenderTransform> <SkewTransform AngleX="30" AngleY="0" /> </TextBlock.RenderTransform> </TextBlock> |
The example below shows how to increase the AngleX property value of a SkewTransform applied to a Rectangle every time the Rectangle is clicked.
<Canvas xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="200" Height="200"> <Rectangle MouseLeftButtonDown="handleMouseButtonDown" Width="50" Height="50" Fill="RoyalBlue"> <Rectangle.RenderTransform> <!-- If you give the transform a name you can access it easily from code. --> <SkewTransform x:Name="mySkewTransform" /> </Rectangle.RenderTransform> </Rectangle> </Canvas> |
JavaScript |
function handleMouseButtonDown(sender, mouseEventArgs) { // Retrieve a reference to the SkewTransform object. var skewTransform = sender.findName("mySkewTransform"); // Increase AngleX property value. skewTransform.AngleX = skewTransform.AngleX + 15; } |