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StructuralConstraint complex type [SDM]

Platform SDK: System Definition Model Overview

StructuralConstraint Complex Type

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Defines the elements used to create the structure of a constraint. The StructuralConstraint complex type contains the base constraint elements from which all structural constraints derive.

<xs:complexType name="StructuralConstraint">
        <xs:element name="Description"
Description of the constraint.
<xs:element name="DesignData" type="DesignData" minOccurs="0" />
Design-specific information about this constraint.
</xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="Name" type="SimpleName" use="required" />
Name of this constraint.
<xs:attribute name="Evaluate" type="ConstraintEvaluation" use="optional" />
Time to evaluate the constraint. The default value is Design.
<xs:attribute name="RaiseError" type="boolean" use="optional" />
true if a message should be returned to the user when this constraint fails; otherwise, false. The default is true.
<xs:attribute name="ReturnEarly" type="boolean" use="optional" />
true if the constraint evaluation can be terminated when the constraint is known to fail or succeed; otherwise, false. The default is false.

Note  If you set the ReturnEarly attribute to true, you may speed up evaluation of the constraint; however, you may also fail to see some of the failure cases.

Defines the elements used to create the structure of a constraint.

Child Elements

Element Type Description
Description Description Description of the constraint.
DesignData DesignData Design-specific information about this constraint.


Name Type Description
Evaluate ConstraintEvaluation Time to evaluate the constraint. The default value is Design.
Name SimpleName Name of this constraint.
RaiseError boolean true if a message should be returned to the user when this constraint fails; otherwise, false. The default is true.
ReturnEarly boolean true if the constraint evaluation can be terminated when the constraint is known to fail or succeed; otherwise, false. The default is false.

Note  If you set the ReturnEarly attribute to true, you may speed up evaluation of the constraint; however, you may also fail to see some of the failure cases.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

  Last updated: June 2005  |  What did you think of this topic?  |  Order a Platform SDK CD
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