Filter Object

Represents a unit of modification on an ImageFile object. To use a Filter, add it to the Filters collection, and then set the filter's properties. Finally, use the Apply method of the ImageProcess object to filter an ImageFile.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the Filter object.

Property Description
Description (Filter) Retrieves a description of what the filter does.
FilterID (Filter) Retrieves the FilterID (Filter) for this Filter.
Name (Filter) Retrieves the Filter name.
Properties (Filter) Retrieves a collection of all properties for this filter.


Note that each different filter is listed in the FilterInfos collection. See the FilterInfos (ImageProcess) property on the ImageProcess object for more information on discovering all the filters available to your application.

For examples that show how to use various filters, see How To Use Filters.

Object Information

CLSID Not available
Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1

See Also

Item (Filters)