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ImageFile Object

Holds images transferred to your computer when you call Transfer or ShowTransfer. The ImageFile object is a container. It also supports image files through LoadFile. An ImageFile object can be created using "WIA.ImageFile" as the ProgID in a call to CreateObject.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the ImageFile object.

Method Description
LoadFile Loads the ImageFile object with the specified file.
SaveFile Saves the ImageFile object to the specified file.
Property Description
ActiveFrame Sets or retrieves the current frame in the image.
ARGBData Retrieves the raw image bits as a Vector of Long values.
FileData Retrieves the raw image file as a Vector of bytes.
FileExtension Retrieves the file extension for this image file type.
FormatID Retrieves the FormatID for this file type.
FrameCount Retrieves the number of frames in the image.
Height Retrieves the height of the image in pixels.
HorizontalResolution Retrieves the horizontal pixels per inch of the image.
IsAlphaPixelFormat Specifies whether the pixel format has an alpha component.
IsAnimated Specifies whether the image is animated.
IsExtendedPixelFormat Specifies whether the pixel format is extended (16 bits per channel).
IsIndexedPixelFormat Specifies whether the pixel data is an index into a palette or the actual color data.
PixelDepth Retrieves the depth of the pixels of the image in bits per pixel (BPP).
Properties (ImageFile) Retrieves an ImageFile collection of all properties for this image.
VerticalResolution Retrieves the vertical pixels per inch of the image.
Width Retrieves the width of the image in pixels.


Note that while the ImageFile object is intended for use with image files, non-image files support FileExtension, FileData and SaveFile.

For example code, see Display Detailed Image Information in Shared Samples.

Object Information

CLSID Not available
Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1

See Also

ShowAcquireImage, Apply, ImageFile (Vector)