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Vector Object

Contains a collection of values of the same type. It is used throughout the library in many different ways. The Vector object can be created using WIA.Vector as the ProgID in a call to CreateObject.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the Vector object.

Method Description
Add (Vector) Inserts a new element into the Vector collection before the specified Index if Index is not 0. If Index is 0, this method appends a new element to the Vector collection.
Clear Removes all elements from the Vector.
Remove (Vector) Removes the designated element.
SetFromString Stores the String value into the Vector of bytes including the terminating null character. Value might be truncated unless Resizable is True. The string is stored as an ANSI string unless Unicode is True, in which case it is stored as a Unicode string.
Property Description
BinaryData Sets or retrieves the Vector of bytes as an array of bytes.
Count (Vector) Retrieves the number of members in the Vector.
Date Sets or retrieves the Vector of integers from a date.
ImageFile (Vector) Retrieves the image file thumbnail of an ImageFile object, the RGB data thumbnail of an Item object, or creates an ImageFile object from raw ARGB data. Retrieves an ImageFile object on success.
Item (Vector) Sets or retrieves the specified item in the Vector by position.
Picture Retrieves a Microsoft Visual Basic picture object.
String Retrieves a Vector of bytes as a String.


Note that the Vector object provides special accessor properties and methods to make it easier to access or manipulate the elements contained in a Vector object. For more information, see the reference page for the specific property or method .

For example code, see Create and Initialize a Vector Object in Shared Samples.

Object Information

CLSID Not available
Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1

See Also

ARGBData, FileData, SubTypeValues