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Setting Up DTM

Driver Test Manager (DTM) requires a minimum of two computers. At least one computer will become a DTM controller, and the other computer will become a DTM client. Although it is possible to install DTM controller and DTM Studio on the same computer, it is recommended that you allocate an additional computer on which to install DTM Studio. Avoid installing DTM Studio on a DTM client computer. If necessary, however, you can install DTM Studio on a DTM controller computer.

Review the following considerations before you deploy DTM in your lab and configure your DTM Studio, controller(s),and client(s) computers:

DTM Lab Security

DTM Controller and Client Organization

After you have deployed DTM in your lab, you must configure your controller(s) and clients. You use DTM Studio to access the DTM controllers to schedule jobs to execute on the DTM clients.

This section includes the following topics:

DTM Controller and Client Configuration

Starting DTM Studio

Grouping Client Computers into Machine Pools

Managing DTM User Accounts

Preparing Client Computers to Run the Logo Tests

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Built on December 10, 2009