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Grouping Client Computers into Machine Pools

A machine pool represents a group of client computers. Typically, when you use DTM Studio, you must specify a machine pool before performing any other actions. By specifying a machine pool, you restrict the computers that you can work with to the computers that are members of the machine pool.

When you install the DTM client on a computer, the computer is automatically added to the default pool. Before you can work with this computer, you must move it from the default pool into a machine pool that you’ve already created and indicate that the newly added computer is available to run jobs. Before other users can work with this computer, you must give the users permission to run jobs on the machine pool that you created.

To create a machine pool

  1. Start DTM Studio.

  2. Switch to the Job Monitor window.
    You can also open a new Job Monitor window by clicking Explorers, and then clicking Job Monitor.

  3. Select your DTM controller from the drop-down box at the upper-left corner of the Job Monitor window.

  4. In the Machine Pool pane, right-click the dollar sign ($) at the root of the machine pool hierarchy, and then click Add Machine Pool.

  5. Enter the following information in the Add Machine Pool dialog box:****

    1. In the Name box, type a name for the machine pool.
    2. In the Job Delivery Agent box, select your DTM controller.
    3. Select the When scheduling, allow the scheduler to search for config jobs to automatically execute on the machines to help them match the constraints of the job. check box.
    4. Click OK.

    Your new machine pool’s name will appear in the Machine Pool pane.

Note:  You can create a child machine pool by adding the new machine pool to an existing machine pool, instead of adding it to the root of the machine pool hierarchy.

To move a computer from one machine pool to another machine pool

  1. Start DTM Studio.

  2. Switch to the Job Monitor window.
    You can also open a new Job Monitor window by clicking Explorers, and then clicking Job Monitor.

  3. Select your DTM controller from the drop-down box at the upper-left corner of the Job Monitor window.

  4. In the Machine Pool pane, click the machine pool name that contains the computer that you want to move. The computers that belong to the machine pool that you select are listed in the Machines pane.

  5. Drag the computer from the Machines pane to the machine pool that you want the computer to belong to.

  6. You can also right-click the computer in the Machines pane then select Move… from the pop-up menu.

  7. Note If you want to move more than one computer at a time, you must first select all the relevant computers before you move them.

Important:  Do not move the controller out of the System pool.

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Built on December 10, 2009