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CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton Class.

A toolbar button that contains a combo box control ( CComboBox Class).


class CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton : public CMFCToolBarButton  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton Constructs a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::AddItem Adds an item to the end of the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::AddSortedItem Adds an item to the combo box list. The order of items in the list is specified by Compare.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::Compare Compares two items. Called to sort items that AddSortedItems adds to the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::CreateEdit Creates a new edit control for the combo box button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::DeleteItem Deletes an item from the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::FindItem Returns the index of the item that contains a specified string.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetByCmd Returns a pointer to the combo box button with a specified command ID.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetComboBox Returns a pointer to the combo box control that is embedded in the combo box button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetCount Returns the number of items in the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetCountAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID. Returns the number of items in the combo box list of that button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetCurSel Returns the index of the selected item in the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetCurSelAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID, and returns the index of the selected item in the combo box list of that button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetEditCtrl Returns a pointer to the edit control that is embedded in the combo box button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetItem Returns the string that is associated with a specified index in the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetItemAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID, and returns the string that is associated with an index in the combo box list of that button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetItemData Returns the 32-bit value that is associated with a specified index in the combo box list.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetItemDataAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID, and returns the 32-bit value that is associated with an index in the combo box list of that button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetItemDataPtrAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID. Retrieves the 32-bit value that is associated an index in the combo box list of that button, and returns the 32-bit value as a pointer.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetText Returns the text from the edit control of the combo box.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::GetTextAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID, and returns the text from edit control of that button.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::IsCenterVert Determines whether combo box buttons in the application are centered or aligned with the top of the toolbar.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::IsFlatMode Determines whether combo box buttons in the application have a flat appearance.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::RemoveAllItems Removes all items from the list box and edit control of the combo box.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SelectItem Selects an item in the combo box according to its index, 32-bit value, or string, and notifies the combo box control about the selection.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SelectItemAll Finds the combo box button that has a specified command ID. Calls SelectItem to select an item in the combo box of that button according to its string, index, or 32-bit value.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetCenterVert Specifies whether combo box buttons in the application are centered vertically or aligned with the top of the toolbar.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetDropDownHeight Sets the height of the drop-down list box.
CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetFlatMode Specifies whether combo box buttons in the application have a flat appearance.


To add a combo box button to a toolbar, follow these steps:

  1. Reserve a dummy resource ID for the button in the parent toolbar resource.

  2. Construct a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton object.

  3. In the message handler that processes the AFX_WM_RESETTOOLBAR message, replace the dummy button with the new combo box button by using CMFCToolBar::ReplaceButton.

For more information, see Walkthrough: Putting Controls On Toolbars. For an example of a combo box toolbar button, see the example project VisualStudioDemo.


The following example demonstrates how to use various methods in the CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton class. The example shows how to enable the edit and combo boxes, set the vertical position of combo box buttons in the application, set the height of the list box when it is dropped down, set the flat style appearance of combo box buttons in the application, and set the text in the edit box of the combo box button. This code snippet is part of the Visual Studio Demo sample.

          // CObList listButtons
            // POSITION posCombo
            CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton* pCombo = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton, listButtons.GetNext(posCombo));
                pCombo->SetText(_T("this is a combo box"));

Inheritance Hierarchy





Header: afxtoolbarcomboboxbutton.h


Appends a unique item to the list box.

virtual INT_PTR AddItem(
    LPCTSTR lpszItem,  
    DWORD_PTR dwData=0);


[in] lpszItem
The text of the item to add to the list box.

[in] dwData
The data associated with the item to add to the list box.

Return Value

The index of the last item in the list box.


Do not use this method when the list box style is sorted.

If the item text is already in the list box, the new data is stored with the existing item. The search for the item is case sensitive.


Adds an item to the list box in the order that is defined by the Compare method.

virtual INT_PTR AddSortedItem(
    LPCTSTR lpszItem,  
    DWORD_PTR dwData=0);


[in] lpszItem
The text of the item to add to the list box.

[in] dwData
The data associated with the item to add to the list box.

Return Value

Index of the item that was added to the list box.


Use this function to add items to the list box in a specific order.


Indicates whether the combo box button size can change.

virtual BOOL CanBeStretched() const;  

Return Value

Returns TRUE.


Constructs a CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton object.

    UINT uiID,  
    int iImage,  
    int iWidth=0);


[in] uiID
The command ID of the new button.

[in] iImage
The image index of the image associated with the new button.

[in] dwStyle
The style of the new button.

[in] iWidth
The width, in pixels, of the new button.


The default width is 150 pixels.

For a list of toolbar button styles see ToolBar Control Styles


Deletes user-defined data.

virtual void ClearData();


By default this method does nothing. Override this method in a derived class if you want to delete any user-defined data.


Compares two strings.

virtual int Compare(
    LPCTSTR lpszItem1,  
    LPCTSTR lpszItem2);


[in] lpszItem1
The first string to compare.

[in] lpszItem2
The second string to compare.

Return Value

A value that indicates the case-sensitive lexicographic relationship between the strings. The following table lists the possible values:

Value Description
<0 The first string is less than the second.
0 The first string equals the second.
>0 The first string is greater than the second.


Override this method to change how items are sorted in the list box.

The comparison is case-sensitive.

This method is called only from the AddSortedItem method.


Copies the state of the specified CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton to the current object.

virtual void CopyFrom(const CMFCToolBarButton& src);


[in] src
The source CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton object.


Creates a new combo box for the combo box button.

virtual CComboBox* CreateCombo(
    CWnd* pWndParent,  
    const CRect& rect);


[in] pWndParent
A pointer to the parent window of the button.

[in] rect
Bounding rectangle of the combo box.

Return Value

A pointer to the new combo box if the method was successful; otherwise, NULL.


Creates a new edit box for the combo box button.

virtual CMFCToolBarComboBoxEdit* CreateEdit(
    CWnd* pWndParent,  
    const CRect& rect,  
    DWORD dwEditStyle);


[in] pWndParent
A pointer to the parent window of the button.

[in] rect
Bounding rectangle of the new edit box.

[in] dwEditStyle
Control style of the new edit box.

Return Value

A pointer to the new edit box if the method was successful; otherwise, NULL.


The framework calls this method when it creates a new edit box for a combo box button. Override this method to change how CMFCToolBarComboBoxEdit is created.


Deletes a specified item from the list box.

BOOL DeleteItem(int iIndex);
BOOL DeleteItem(DWORD_PTR dwData);

BOOL DeleteItem(LPCTSTR lpszText);


[in] iIndex
The zero-based index of the item to be deleted.

[in] dwData
The data associated with the item to be deleted.

[in] lpszText
The text of the item to be deleted. If there are multiple items with the same text, the first item is deleted.

Return Value

TRUE if the item was located and successfully deleted; otherwise, FALSE.



Duplicates user-defined data.

virtual void DuplicateData();


By default this method does nothing. Override this method in a derived class if you want to copy any user-defined data.


Enables or disables the edit and combo boxes.

virtual void EnableWindow(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);


[in] bEnable
TRUE to enable the edit and combo boxes; FALSE to disable the edit and combo boxes.


When disabled, the controls cannot become active and cannot accept user input.


Copies a string from the application string table to the specified menu using the combo box button command ID.

virtual BOOL ExportToMenuButton(CMFCToolBarMenuButton& menuButton) const;  


[out] menuButton
Reference to a menu button.

Return Value

Always TRUE.


Returns the index of the first item in the list box that contains a specified string.

int FindItem(LPCTSTR lpszText) const;  


[in] lpszText
The text for which to search in the list box.

Return Value

The index of the item; or CB_ERR if the item is not found.



Gets a pointer to the combo box button that has a specified command ID.

static CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton* GetByCmd(
    UINT uiCmd,  
    BOOL bIsFocus=FALSE);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a combo box button.

[in] bIsFocus
TRUE to search only focused buttons; FALSE to search all buttons.

Return Value

A pointer to a combo box button; or NULL if the button is not found.



Returns a pointer to the combo box in the combo box button.

CComboBox* GetComboBox() const;  

Return Value

A pointer to the CComboBox Class object if the method was successful; otherwise NULL.



Gets the shortcut menu resource ID for the combo box button.

UINT GetContextMenuID();

Return Value

The shortcut menu resource ID.


Returns the number of items in the list box.

INT_PTR GetCount() const;  

Return Value

The number of items in the list box.



Gets the number of items in the list box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.

static int GetCountAll(UINT uiCmd);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a combo box button.

Return Value

The number of items in the list box; otherwise, CB_ERR if the combo box button is not found.



Gets the index of the currently selected item in the list box.

int GetCurSel() const;  

Return Value

The index of the currently selected item in the list box; or CB_ERR if no item is selected.


The list box index is zero-based.


Returns the index of the currently selected item in the list box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.

static int GetCurSelAll(UINT uiCmd);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a combo box button.

Return Value

The index of the currently selected item in the list box; otherwise, CB_ERR if no item is selected or a combo box button is not found.


The list box index is zero-based.


Returns a pointer to the edit box in the combo box button.

virtual CEdit* GetEditCtrl();

Return Value

A pointer to the edit box if the method was successful; otherwise, NULL.



Returns the window handle for the combo box.

virtual HWND GetHwnd();

Return Value

The window handle, or NULL if the combo box is not associated with a window object.


Returns the string associated with an item at a specified index in the list box.

LPCTSTR GetItem(int iIndex=-1) const;  


[in] iIndex
Zero-based index of an item in the list box.

Return Value

A pointer to the string that is associated with the item; otherwise, NULL if the index parameter is invalid, or if the index parameter is -1 and there is no selected item in the combo box.


An index parameter of -1 returns the string of the item that is currently selected.


Returns the string associated with an item at a specified index in the list box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.

static LPCTSTR GetItemAll(
    UINT uiCmd,  
    int iIndex=-1);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a combo box button.

[in] iIndex
The zero-based index of an item in the list box.

Return Value

A pointer to the item's string if the method was successful; otherwise, NULL if the index is invalid, a combo box button is not found, or if index is -1 and there is no selected item in the combo box.


An index value of -1 returns the string of the item that is currently selected.


Returns the data associated with an item at a specific index in the list box.

DWORD_PTR GetItemData(int iIndex=-1) const;  


[in] iIndex
The zero-based index of an item in the list box.

Return Value

The data associated with the item; or 0 if the item does not exist.


An index parameter of -1 returns the data associated with the currently selected item.


Returns the data associated with an item at a specific index in the list box of a combo box button that has a specific command ID.

static DWORD_PTR GetItemDataAll(
    UINT uiCmd,  
    int iIndex=-1);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a combo box button.

[in] iIndex
The zero-based index of an item in the list box.

Return Value

The data associated with the item if the method was successful; otherwise, 0 if the specified index is not valid, or CB_ERR if the combo box button is not found.


An index parameter of -1 returns the data associated with the currently selected item.


Returns the data associated with an item at a specific index in the list box of a combo box button that has a specific command ID. This data is returned as a pointer.

static void* GetItemDataPtrAll(
    UINT uiCmd,  
    int iIndex=-1);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of the combo box button.

[in] iIndex
The zero-based index of an item in the list box.

Return Value

A pointer associated with the item if the method was successful; otherwise, -1 if an error occurs, or NULL if the combo box button is not found.



Returns the prompt string for the combo box button.

virtual CString GetPrompt() const;  

Return Value

The prompt string.


This method is currently not implemented.


Gets the text in the edit box.

LPCTSTR GetText() const;  

Return Value

The text in the edit box.



Gets the text in the edit box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.

static LPCTSTR GetTextAll(UINT uiCmd);


[in] uiCmd
The command ID of a specific combo box button.

Return Value

The text in the edit box if the method was successful; otherwise, NULL.



Indicates whether the combo box currently has the focus.

virtual BOOL HasFocus() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the combo box currently has the focus; otherwise, FALSE.


This method also returns TRUE if any child window of the combo box currently has the focus.


Returns the vertical position of combo box buttons in the application.

static BOOL IsCenterVert();

Return Value

TRUE if the buttons are centered; FALSE if the buttons are aligned at the top.



Returns the flat style appearance of combo box buttons in the application.

static BOOL IsFlatMode();

Return Value

TRUE if the buttons have a flat style; otherwise, FALSE.


The default flat style for combo box buttons is FALSE.


Indicates whether the specified handle is associated with the combo box button, or one of its children.

virtual BOOL IsOwnerOf(HWND hwnd);


[in] hwnd
A window handle.

Return Value

TRUE if the handle is assocated with the combo box button, or one of its children; otherwise, FALSE.


Indicates whether the combo box button resides on a ribbon panel.

BOOL IsRibbonButton() const;  

Return Value

Always FALSE.


By default, this method always returns FALSE, which means the combo box button is never displayed on a ribbon panel.


Returns the visibility state of the combo box button.

virtual BOOL IsWindowVisible();

Return Value

The visibility state of the combo box button.


Indicates whether the combo box button processes the message.

virtual BOOL NotifyCommand(int iNotifyCode);


[in] iNotifyCode
The notification message that is associated with the command.

Return Value

Whether the combo box button processes the message.


Called by the framework when the button is added to the Customize dialog box.

virtual void OnAddToCustomizePage();


Called by the framework to calculate the size of the button.

virtual SIZE OnCalculateSize(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CSize& sizeDefault,  
    BOOL bHorz);


[in] pDC
The device context that displays the combo box button.

[in] sizeDefault
The default size of the combo box button.

[in] bHorz
The dock state of the parent toolbar. TRUE when the toolbar is docked horizontally and FALSE when the toolbar is docked vertically.

Return Value

A SIZE structure that contains the dimensions of the combo box button, in pixels.


Called by the framework when the combo box button is inserted into a new toolbar.

virtual void OnChangeParentWnd(CWnd* pWndParent);


[in] pWndParent
Pointer to the new parent toolbar.


Called by the framework when the user clicks the combo box button.

virtual BOOL OnClick(
    CWnd* pWnd,  
    BOOL bDelay = TRUE);


[in] pWnd
Pointer to the parent window of the combo box button.

[in] bDelay
Reserved for use in a derived class.

Return Value

TRUE if the method handles the event; otherwise, FALSE.


Called by the framework when the user changes the parent toolbar color to set the combo box button color.

virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColor(
    CDC* pDC,  
    UINT nCtlColor);


[in] pDC
The device context that displays the combo box button.

[in] nCtlColor

Return Value

Handle to the brush that the framework uses to paint the background of the combo box button.


This method also sets the combo box button text color.


Called by the framework to draw the combo box button by using the specified styles and options.

virtual void OnDraw(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CRect& rect,  
    CMFCToolBarImages* pImages,  
    BOOL bHorz=TRUE,  
    BOOL bCustomizeMode=FALSE,  
    BOOL bHighlight=FALSE,  
    BOOL bDrawBorder=TRUE,  
    BOOL bGrayDisabledButtons=TRUE);


[in] Pdc
The device context that displays the button.

[in] rect
The bounding rectangle of the button.

[in] pImages
The collection of images that is associated with the button.

[in] bHorz
The dock state of the parent toolbar. TRUE when the toolbar is docked horizontally and FALSE when the toolbar is docked vertically.

[in] bCustomizeMode
Whether the application is in customization mode.

[in] bHighlight
Whether to draw the combo box button highlighted.

[in] bDrawBorder
Whether to draw the combo box button with a border.

[in] bGrayDisabledButtons
TRUE to draw shaded disabled buttons; FALSE to use the disabled images collection.


Called by the framework to draw the combo box button in the Commands pane of the Customize dialog box.

virtual int OnDrawOnCustomizeList(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CRect& rect,  
    BOOL bSelected);


[in] pDC
The device context that displays the combo box button.

[in] rect
The bounding rectangle of the combo box button.

[in] bSelected
TRUE if the combo box button is selected; otherwise, FALSE.

Return Value

The width, in pixels, of the combo box button.


Called by the framework to set the combo box button font when the application font changes.

virtual void OnGlobalFontsChanged();


Called by the framework to change the location of the combo box button when the parent toolbar moves.

virtual void OnMove();


Called by the framework when the combo box button is hidden or displayed.

virtual void OnShow(BOOL bShow);


[in] bShow
Whether to hide or display the combo box button.


Called by the framework to change the size of the combo box button when the parent toolbar changes size.

virtual void OnSize(int iSize);


[in] iSize
The new width of the combo box button.


Called by the framework when the user changes the tool tip for the combo box button.

virtual BOOL OnUpdateToolTip(
    CWnd* pWndParent,  
    int iButtonIndex,  
    CToolTipCtrl& wndToolTip,  
    CString& str);


[in] pWndParent
Pointer to the parent window for the combo box button.

[in] iButtonIndex
ID of the combo box button.

[in] wndToolTip
The tool tip to associate with the combo box button.

[in] str
The tool tip text.

Return Value

TRUE if the method handles the event; otherwise, FALSE.


Deletes all items from the list and edit boxes.

void RemoveAllItems();


Removes all items from the list box and edit control of a combo box.


Selects an item in the list box.

BOOL SelectItem(
    int iIndex,  
    BOOL bNotify=TRUE);  
BOOL SelectItem(DWORD_PTR dwData);  
BOOL SelectItem(LPCTSTR lpszText);
### Parameters  
 [in] `iIndex`  
 The zero-based index of an item in the list box.  
 [in] `bNotify`  
 `TRUE` to notify the combo box button of the selection; otherwise `FALSE`.  
 [in] `dwData`  
 The data associated with an item in the list box.  
 [in] `lpszText`  
 The text of an item in the list box.  
### Return Value  
 `TRUE` if the method was successful; otherwise `FALSE`.  
### Remarks  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__selectitemall"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SelectItemAll  
 Selects an item in the list box of a combo box button that has a specified command ID.  

static BOOL SelectItemAll( UINT uiCmd,
int iIndex);

static BOOL SelectItemAll( UINT uiCmd,
DWORD_PTR dwData);

static BOOL SelectItemAll( UINT uiCmd,
LPCTSTR lpszText);

### Parameters  
 [in] `uiCmd`  
 The command ID of the combo box button that contains the list box.  
 [in] `iIndex`  
 The zero-based index of the item in the list box. A value of -1 removes any current selection in the list box and clears the edit box.  
 [in] `dwData`  
 The data of an item in the list box.  
 [in] `lpszText`  
 The text of an item in the list box.  
### Return Value  
 `TRUE` if the method was successful; otherwise `FALSE`.  
### Remarks  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__serialize"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::Serialize  
 Reads this object from an archive or writes it to an archive.  

virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);

### Parameters  
 [in, out] `ar`  
 The `CArchive` object to serialize.  
### Remarks  
 Settings in the `CArchive` object determine whether this method reads or writes to the archive.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setaccdata"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetACCData  
 Populates the specified `CAccessibilityData` object by using accessibility data from the combo box button.  

virtual BOOL SetACCData( CWnd* pParent,
CAccessibilityData& data);

### Parameters  
 [in] `pParent`  
 The parent window of the combo box button.  
 [out] `data`  
 A `CAccessibilityData` object that receives the accessibility data from the combo box button.  
### Return Value  
 `TRUE` if the method was successful; otherwise `FALSE`.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setcentervert"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetCenterVert  
 Sets the vertical position of combo box buttons in the application.  

static void SetCenterVert(BOOL bCenterVert=TRUE);

### Parameters  
 [in] `bCenterVert`  
 `TRUE` to center the combo box button in the toolbar; `FALSE` to align the combo box button to the top of the toolbar.  
### Remarks  
 By default, combo box buttons are aligned to the top.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setcontextmenuid"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetContextMenuID  
 Sets the shortcut menu resource ID for the combo box button.  

void SetContextMenuID(UINT uiResID);

### Parameters  
 [in] `uiResID`  
 The shortcut menu resource ID.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setdropdownheight"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetDropDownHeight  
 Sets the height of the list box when it is dropped down.  

void SetDropDownHeight(int nHeight);

### Parameters  
 [in] `nHeight`  
 The height, in pixels, of the list box.  
### Remarks  
 The default height is 150 pixels.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setflatmode"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetFlatMode  
 Sets the flat style appearance of combo box buttons in the application.  

static void SetFlatMode(BOOL bFlat=TRUE);

### Parameters  
 [in] `bFlat`  
 `TRUE` for a flat style appearance; otherwise `FALSE`.  
### Remarks  
 The default flat style for combo box buttons is `FALSE`.  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__setstyle"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetStyle  
 Sets the specified style for the combo box button and redraws the control if it is not disabled.  

virtual void SetStyle(UINT nStyle);

### Parameters  
 [in] `nStyle`  
 A bitwise combination (OR) of toolbar styles.  
### Remarks  
 For a list of toolbar button styles see [ToolBar Control Styles](../Topic/  
##  <a name="cmfctoolbarcomboboxbutton__settext"></a>  CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton::SetText  
 Sets the text in the edit box of the combo box button.  

void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText);

### Parameters  
 [in] `lpszText`  
 Pointer to a string that that contains the text for the edit box.  
## See Also  
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/   
 [CMFCToolBarButton Class](../Topic/   
 [CComboBox Class](../Topic/   
 [Walkthrough: Putting Controls On Toolbars](../Topic/