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What is a Category?

Categories let you group products or sub-categories together in your catalog and provide more control over your properties, such as price. You can set pricing rules for one category without setting them for other categories. Each category is an individual instance of a category definition. For example, a category based on the Department category definition (which has the properties Description and Manager) may be named Hardware, and have the properties Power Tools (Description) and Jay Hamlin (Manager).

Primary Parent Category

Each category and product can have one primary parent category. The primary parent category provides a canonical path to a child category or product. Additionally, if a product is in more than one category, and pricing is set at the category level, only the pricing from the primary parent category is applied to the child categories and products. You can set pricing at the category level by using either category-level pricing or a virtual catalog price rule on the category.

See Also

Other Resources

What is a Category?

How to Add a Category to a Catalog

How to Edit a Category

Managing Tasks Common to All Business Management Applications

How to Sequence Categories and Products