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Previewing an Ad

After the ad display is defined, you can preview the ad before you publish it on your Web site. You can also preview the Web page that appears when the user clicks on the ad if the ad is clickable.


  • If your Business Desk is based on the SupplierActiveDirectory Solution Site and AuthFilter is enabled, the authentication code will not allow you to view an image file. To preview an image file in Business Desk, you must enable anonymous access to any image file that is stored in the Business Desk virtual root folder. For information about enabling anonymous access, see "Enabling AuthFilter for the Supplier Solution Site" in Commerce Server 2002 Help.

To preview the ad

To display the Web page for the ad

To preview the ad

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.
  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the ad that contains the image you want to preview, and then click Open on the toolbar.
  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> <Campaign item> (ad ID: <number>) screen, in the Ad Display section, verify that the information is entered in the required fields, and then click Preview.
  4. In the Preview dialog box, click Yes to save the ad.

A copy of your ad appears in the display area below the Preview button.

For information about setting up the ad type in the Ad Display section, see Setting Up an Ad Type.

To display the Web page for the ad

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.
  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the ad that contains the image you want to preview, and then click Open on the toolbar.
  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> <Campaign item> (ad ID: <number>) screen, in the Ad Display section, verify the information is entered in the required fields, and then click the ad in the display area below the Preview button.

The Web page associated with the ad appears in a new Internet Explorer window. You use the Publish Campaigns module to update your site immediately with new information that you have added. For information about publishing changes on your Web site, see Publishing Campaign Changes on Your Web Site.

See Also

Creating an Ad

Sizing an Ad

Setting Up an Ad Type

Publishing Campaign Changes on Your Web Site

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