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DTS Tasks

You use Commerce Server Data Transformation Services (DTS) tasks to import and change data in the Data Warehouse. The Commerce Server tasks are loaded into SQL Server when you unpack a site. You add the Commerce Server tasks to a SQL Server package and then run that package to make changes to the Data Warehouse.

Commerce Server provides the following tasks for the Data Warehouse.

Web Server Log import. Defines and imports Web log files. You use this task to set properties for the Web log file that determine the data that is imported from a Web log file, and how individual users and visits are distinguished.

Data deletion. Deletes detailed log file data and summarized data from the Data Warehouse. You delete log file data to reduce the size of the Data Warehouse. You delete all data, detailed and summarized, when you have imported test data and want to empty the Data Warehouse before importing valid data.

IP resolution. Resolves Internet Protocol (IP) addresses from the imported user data. IP resolution converts IP addresses, imported from your log files, into domain names. For example, becomes This helps readers of your reports understand the data in the reports more easily.

Campaign data import. Imports data about campaigns. You use campaign data to analyze the success of your campaigns. You use the Campaign resource of Commerce Server Business Desk to set up campaigns. For information about using the Campaigns modules in Business Desk, see About Campaigns. You can also run reports to analyze campaign data. For information about reports, see Advertising Reports.

Transaction data import. Defines and imports transaction data. Transaction data is created on your Web site when a user adds and removes items from a shopping cart, or makes a purchase. You can run reports to analyze transaction data. For information about reports, see Product Sales Reports.

User profile data import. Imports user profile data into the Data Warehouse. Commerce Server collects user profile data when users visit your Web site. Commerce Server collects profile data about registered users when users enter personal information into the UserObject profile definition on your site.

Commerce Server also collects information about the actions of guest users (users who are not registered on your Web site). Guest user profile data contains a Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for the guest user, and behavior data.

You can modify the UserObject profile definition in the Profiles resource in Commerce Server Manager, and in the Profile Designer module in Business Desk. You can use the Users module in Business Desk to modify user profile data.

For information about working with profile definitions in the Profiles resource, see Running the Profiles Resource. For information about working with the Profile Designer and Users modules in Business Desk, see Business Desks Users. You can also run reports to analyze user data. For information about reports, see User Reports.

Report preparation. Populates OLAP cubes with the import data, prepares the data for report generation, and refreshes the cubes after a deletion. This task must be performed after every import and delete task.

Product catalog import. Imports product data from your catalogs. Importing product data provides your transaction reports with more descriptive product information than is available in transaction data. You can also run reports to analyze the sale of products. For information about reports, see Product Sale Reports.

Configuration synchronization. Synchronizes the Data Warehouse with your Commerce Server application after you make changes to configuration settings. If the online site configuration changes, this task should be performed before any other task.

See Also

Configuring Web Log Files for Import

Configuring Web Log File Import Properties

Adding a Non-Commerce Application and Web Server

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