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Translating a Catalog by Exporting/Importing

When you have many products to translate, use the Catalog Editor module to export the catalog to an XML file, which you can then translate in-house or send to a translation service. After the catalog is translated, you can import it to the catalog database used by Commerce Server.

When you have only a few products to translate, use the Catalog Editor module in Business Desk to manually add the product data in a different language. For instructions, see Translating a Catalog with Business Desk.

There are four main steps to translating a catalog that is exported to an XML file:

  1. Prepare the XML file for translation. After exporting the catalog in the default language, add the language code for the target language. Contact your system administrator for a list of language codes. The codes are stored in the languages.xml file in the Business Desk config folder.

  2. Translate the catalog definition (also known as the catalog schema in the XML file). Perform the following steps if this the first time the catalog is to be translated into a given language, or if the catalog definition has changed since the last translation:

    1. For each catalog in the definition, add catalog display name attributes for the new language.
    2. For each category in the definition, add category display name attributes for the new language.
    3. For each property in the definition, add property display name attributes for the new language.
  3. Translate the catalog content. In this step, where Language=<target>, the translators should translate the corresponding Value, displayName, and PropertyValue. Note that the multiple choice values in the catalog content must be translated exactly the same way they are in the catalog definition.

  4. Import the catalog. When you import the translated catalog, in the Import XML Catalog dialog box, first select the Validate XML file (do not import) option to validate the contents. After validating the file with no errors reported, you can import it.

    Do not select the Delete existing data on the Import XML catalog dialog box. If you do, only the target language will be stored in the catalog database.

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