ISql90Index Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a Sql90 index.

The ISql90Index type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddAnnotation Adds an annotation. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.)
Public method Delete Deletes this instance from the model. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetAnnotations Overloaded. Returns all attached annotations.
Public method GetAnnotations<TType> Overloaded.
Public method GetColumnSpecificationsRelationship Gets the column specifications relationship. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesIndex.)
Public method GetComposingChildren Returns a list of composing children for this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetExtendedPropertiesRelationship Returns an extended properties relationship collection. (Inherited from IExtendedPropertyHost.)
Public method GetFilegroupRelationship Gets the file group relationship. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesStorage.)
Public method GetHierarchicalChildren Returns a list of hierarchical children for this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetIncludedColumnsRelationship Gets an included columns relationship.
Public method GetIndexedObjectRelationship Returns an indexed object relationship. (Inherited from IIndex.)
Public method GetOwnerInfo Returns information about the element owner. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetPartitionColumnRelationship Gets a partition column relationship. (Inherited from ISql90SpecifiesStorage.)
Public method GetPartitionSchemeRelationship Gets a partition scheme relationship. (Inherited from ISql90SpecifiesStorage.)
Public method GetProperty<TProperty> Gets the specified property. (Inherited from IModelPropertyContainer.)
Public method GetRelatedDanglingRelationshipEntries Returns a list of the dangling relationship entries, where this element is on the left side. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelatedElements Returns a list of the elements that are in a relationship with this element, where this element is on the left side. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelatedRelationshipEntries Returns a list of the relationship entries, where this element is on the left side. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelatingElements Returns a list of the elements that are in a relationship with this element, where this element is on the right side. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelatingRelationshipEntries Returns a list of the relationship entries, where this element is on the right side. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelationship Returns the asked relationship. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelationship<TRelating, TRelated> Returns the asked relationship. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method GetRelationshipEntrySources Returns the list of relationship entry sources for a relationship entry. (Inherited from IScriptSourcedElement.)
Public method GetRelationships Returns a list of the relationships of this element. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method IsDeleted Specifies whether the object is deleted. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method IsExternal Specifies whether the object is external. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public method RemoveAnnotation Removes an annotation. (Inherited from IModelAnnotationHolder.)
Public method SetProperty<TProperty> Sets the specified property. (Inherited from IModelPropertyContainer.)



  Name Description
Public property ColumnSpecifications Gets a list of column specifications. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesIndex.)
Public property DoAllowPageLocks Gets or sets whether index allows page locks.
Public property DoAllowRowLocks Gets or sets whether index allows row locks.
Public property DoDropExisting (Inherited from ISqlIndex.)
Public property DoIgnoreDuplicateKey Gets or sets whether to ignore a duplicate key.
Public property DoRecomputeStatistics Gets or sets whether to recompute statistics.
Public property DoSortInTempDB Gets or sets whether to sort in a temporary database.
Public property ElementClass Gets the metadata class. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public property ElementSource Gets the element source for an element. (Inherited from IScriptSourcedElement.)
Public property ExtendedProperties Gets a list of extended properties. (Inherited from IExtendedPropertyHost.)
Public property Filegroup Gets or sets the storage file group. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesStorage.)
Public property FillFactor Gets or sets the fill factor. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesIndex.)
Public property IncludedColumns Gets a list of included columns.
Public property IndexedObject Overloaded.
Public property IsClustered Gets or sets whether the index is clustered. (Inherited from ISqlSpecifiesIndex.)
Public property IsDisabled Gets or sets whether index is disabled. (Inherited from ISqlIndexBase.)
Public property IsOnline Gets or sets whether index is online.
Public property IsPadded Gets or sets whether index is padded.
Public property IsUnique Gets or sets whether index is unique. (Inherited from ISqlIndex.)
Public property MaxDop Gets or sets the maximum degree of precision.
Public property Model Gets the model reference. (Inherited from IModelEntity.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the IModelElement. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public property PartitionColumn Gets or sets the partition column. (Inherited from ISql90SpecifiesStorage.)
Public property PartitionScheme Gets or sets the partition scheme. (Inherited from ISql90SpecifiesStorage.)
Public property ResolutionStatus Gets or sets the value of the model element resolution status. (Inherited from IModelElement.)
Public property ValidationStatus Gets or sets the value of the model element validation status. (Inherited from IModelElement.)


See Also


ISql90Index Interface

Microsoft.Data.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.SqlServer Namespace