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IUIAutomationCacheRequest Interface

Exposes properties and methods of a cache request. Client applications use this interface to specify the properties and control patterns to be cached when a Microsoft UI Automation element is obtained.

IUIAutomationCacheRequest Members

AddPattern Adds a control pattern to the cache request.
AddProperty Adds a property to the cache request.
AutomationElementMode Gets or sets a value that specifies whether returned elements should contain full references to the underlying user interface (UI), or only cached information.
Clone Creates a copy of the cache request.
TreeFilter Sets or retrieves the view of the UI Automation element tree to use when caching.
TreeScope Sets or retrieves the scope of caching.


Retrieving properties and patterns through UI Automation requires cross-process calls that can slow down performance. By caching values of proprieties and patterns in a batch operation, you can enhance the performance of your application.

Create a new cache request by calling IUIAutomation::CreateCacheRequest, and configure the request by calling methods of IUIAutomationCacheRequest.

Interface Information

Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files uiautomation.h, uiautomationclient.idl
Minimum operating systems Windows 7