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CompareValidator Class Members

Public Constructors

CompareValidator Constructor Initializes a new instance of the CompareValidator class.

Public Events

DataBinding Event (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Disposed Event (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Init Event (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Load Event (inherited from Control) Occurs when a control is custom paginated and needs more data.
PreRender Event (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Unload Event (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.

Public Methods

AddLinkedForms Method (inherited from MobileControl) Adds, to the list provided, the set of forms that contains links to the specified control.
CreateDefaultTemplatedUI Method (inherited from MobileControl) Called by device adapters to create the default templated UI for the control.
DataBind Method (inherited from Control) Binds the field of the specified item to its corresponding data. Called internally by ASP.NET.
Dispose Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
EnsureTemplatedUI Method (inherited from MobileControl) Use this method to ensure that the templates are instantiated to allow programmatically access to the instantiated contents of a template.
Equals Method (inherited from Object) Used internally by ASP.NET.
FindControl Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
GetHashCode Method (inherited from Object) Used internally by ASP.NET. Not intended for use by client applications.
GetTemplate Method (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the template with the specified name.
GetType Method (inherited from Object) Inherited from .NET Framework.
HasControls Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
IsVisibleOnPage Method (inherited from MobileControl) Returns whether the control is visible on the given page of the form. Used for form pagination.
PaginateRecursive Method (inherited from MobileControl) Paginates the control and its children. Called internally by ASP.NET.
RenderControl Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ResolveFormReference Method (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the form object referenced by the name parameter.
ResolveUrl Method (inherited from MobileControl) Controls and adapters can call the ResolveUrl method on a MobileControl to resolve a URL relative to the directory of the page or user control that contains the control.
SetRenderMethodDelegate Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ToString Method (inherited from Object) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Validate Method (inherited from BaseValidator) Performs control validation, and then sets the IsValid property based on the results of the validation.

Protected Methods

AddedControl Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
AddParsedSubObject Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
BuildProfileTree Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
CheckControlValidationProperty Method (inherited from BaseValidator) Checks whether the specified control to be validated has a property that can be validated.
ClearChildViewState Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ControlPropertiesValid Method (inherited from BaseValidator) Determines whether the properties to be validated are valid.
CreateChildControls Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
CreateControlCollection Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
CreateStyle Method (inherited from MobileControl) Constructs and returns the style object to be associated with the control. Inheriting classes can override this method to return a more specific style class.
CreateTemplatedUI Method (inherited from MobileControl) Called by base classes to create a templated UI.
CreateWebValidator Method (inherited from BaseValidator) Creates and returns the corresponding Web Controls validator object. The default implementation of this method in a BaseValidator object returns null.
EnsureChildControls Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
EvaluateIsValid Method (inherited from BaseValidator) Called during the validation stage of ASP.NET.
Finalize Method (inherited from Object) Inherited from .NET Framework.
IsFormSubmitControl Method (inherited from MobileControl) Returns true if the control submits the form. The default is false.
IsLiteralContent Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
LoadPrivateViewState Method (inherited from MobileControl) Loads private view state. The state passed in can be null. Controls can override this method to load private view state stored by overriding SavePrivateViewState.
LoadViewState Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
MapPathSecure Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
MemberwiseClone Method (inherited from Object) Inherited from .NET Framework.
OnBubbleEvent Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
OnDataBinding Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
OnInit Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
OnLoad Method (inherited from Control) Called when the control is custom paginated and needs more data.
OnPageChange Method (inherited from MobileControl) No topic is available for this item.
OnPreRender Method (inherited from Control) Called by the control's OnPreRender method, to perform adapter-specific work prior to rendering.
OnRender Method (inherited from MobileControl) No topic is available for this item.
OnUnload Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
RaiseBubbleEvent Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
RemovedControl Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Render Method (inherited from Control) Called by the control's OnPreRender method, to perform adapter-specific work prior to rendering.
RenderChildren Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
SavePrivateViewState Method (inherited from MobileControl) Saves any private view state changes that have occurred since the page was loaded from persistence. If no changes were made, this method returns null.
SaveViewState Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
TrackViewState Method (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.

Public Properties

Adapter Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the device-specific adapter for the control.
Alignment Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the specified alignment for the style.
BackColor Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the specified background color for the style. The default value is null.
BindingContainer Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
BreakAfter Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns or sets a property that determines whether an additional trailing break is rendered after the control. This break results in subsequent content starting on the next line. The default is true.
ClientID Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Controls Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ControlToCompare Property Sets or returns the ID of the input control to compare. The default value is an empty string ("").
ControlToValidate Property (inherited from BaseValidator) Sets or returns the ID of the control to validate. The default value is empty.
CustomAttributes Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns whether controls on the page can have custom attributes defined. The default value is the value of the allowCustomAttributes attribute of the <mobilecontrols> section of web.config.
DeviceSpecific Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the DeviceSpecific/Choice construct associated with the control. The accessor returns null if no such construct exists.
Display Property (inherited from BaseValidator) Sets or returns the display behavior of the error message of the validation control. The default value is dynamic.
EnableViewState Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ErrorMessage Property (inherited from BaseValidator) Sets or returns the text that will be used for the error message. The default value is empty.
FirstPage Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the first page of the form on which this control appears.
Font Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns true if the device supports the ForColor property for text. The default is true.
ForeColor Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the specified foreground color for the style. Typically, this property sets the color for the text. The default value is null.
Form Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the page's currently active form.
ID Property (inherited from Control) Returns true if the specified control causes server-side validation to occur on data controls on the same form. The default value is true.
IsTemplated Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns whether the object has an active template set.
IsValid Property (inherited from BaseValidator) Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the data validated by the control is valid. The default value is true.
LastPage Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the last page of the form on which the specified control is displayed.
MobilePage Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the containing page.
NamingContainer Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Operator Property Sets or returns the comparison operation used in validation. The default value is Equal.
Page Property (inherited from Control) Sets or returns the index of the current page in the paginated form. The default value is 0.
Parent Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Site Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
StyleReference Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns a reference to the style properties for a control. The value of the StyleReference property must be the Name property of a Style object.
TemplateSourceDirectory Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Text Property (inherited from TextControl) Sets or returns the alternate text to display when an image is not available for the device. The default value is an empty string ("").
Type Property Returns the type of input supported on the device. The default value is telephoneKeypad.
UniqueID Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
ValueToCompare Property Sets or returns the value to compare.
Visible Property (inherited from Control) Returns the first item visible on the current form page.
VisibleWeight Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the approximate weight of the control, in characters.
Wrapping Property (inherited from MobileControl) Sets or returns the specified wrapping mode for the style. The default value is NotSet.

Protected Properties

ChildControlsCreated Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Context Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
Events Property (inherited from Control) Returns the key to use to submit the event source.
HasChildViewState Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
InnerText Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns the text inside the control. The inner text might be a combination of text from child controls.
IsTrackingViewState Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.
PaginateChildren Property (inherited from MobileControl) Returns whether the children of the control must be paginated. Used for form pagination.
ViewState Property (inherited from Control) Returns the view state information — which combines private view state and an identifier for application view state — to write to the client in encoded form.
ViewStateIgnoresCase Property (inherited from Control) Inherited from .NET Framework.

See Also

CompareValidator Class