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JmgTermJob_IPC.allow Method [AX 2012]

Indicates whether employees can create registrations on the job.


public boolean allow()

Run On


Return Value

Type: boolean
The value of the SignIn field of the JmgIpcActivity record from where the IPC job originated.


The following example checks if registrations are allowed on the IPC job with ID 10000185. If so, a start job registration for the specified employee is created at the current time.

JmgTermJob jmgTermJob; 
jmgTermJob = JmgTermJob::construct('10000185'); 
if (jmgTermJob.allow()) 
    jmgTermJob.makeRegistration(jmgWorkerRecId, today(), timenow()); 

See Also

JmgTermJob_IPC Class

JmgTermJob.allow Method