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JmgTermJob.allow Method [AX 2012]

Determines whether employees can register on the job.


public boolean allow()

Run On


Return Value

Type: boolean
true if employees can make registrations on the job; otherwise, false.


The following example uses the allow method to determine whether registration is allowed on job ID 10000185. If so, a start job registration for employee ‘EBA’ is made.

JmgTermJob jmgTermJob; 
jmgTermJob = JmgTermJob::construct('10000185'); 
if (jmgTermJob.allow()) 
    jmgTermJob.makeRegistration(jmgWorkerRecId, today(), timenow()); 

See Also

JmgTermJob Class

JmgTermJob_IPC.allow Method

JmgTermJob_Proj.allow Method

JmgTermJob_Prod.allow Method

JmgTermJob_HRMAbsence.allow Method