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Swiss Value Added Tax

Microsoft Dynamics NAV includes the following enhancements to Swiss VAT reporting:

  • Automatic adjustment of VAT amounts for invoices, according to payment discounts.

  • Additional VAT exchange rates for invoices in foreign currencies.

  • VAT percentages and amounts included in journals.

For more information about Swiss VAT reporting and coding requirements, see Swiss VAT Information, in particular, document 605.525.01. The information is available in French, German, and Italian.

VAT Amounts and VAT Exchange Rates

According to local VAT laws, the VAT base amount for an invoice can be reduced by the payment discount if a discount is granted. To allow automatic VAT adjustment for a payment discount on an invoice, the Adjust for Payment Disc. field is activated by default in the General Ledger Setup window. You can also activate this function in the VAT posting setup. For more information, see the General Ledger Setup table and the VAT Posting Setup table.

Currency Exchange Rates for VAT Reporting

For invoices in foreign currency, you must use the official exchange rate provided by the government for the VAT calculation itself. You can also set up additional exchange rates for VAT, which you can use for aspects of the invoice other than the VAT calculation. You can provide the correct government VAT exchange rate for each relevant foreign currency in the exchange rate setup for invoices. For more information, see the Currency Exchange Rate table.

You can also adjust all VAT amounts in VAT entries that result from foreign currency transactions. When you activate the adjust VAT exchange rate function, VAT exchange rates are adjusted automatically. The positive differences that result from exchange rates are posted to exchange rate gain accounts. The negative differences that result from exchange rates are posted to exchange rate loss accounts. For more information, see the Adjust Exchange Rates batch job.

Additional information, such as VAT rate and original currency amount, is transferred to the VAT entries. For more information, see the VAT Entry table.

VAT Information in Journals

When you enter a new line in a journal, the VAT percentages and VAT amounts for the account and balance account for the selected journal line are populated in the journal status area. For more information, see the General Journal window, Sales Journal window, and the Purchase Journal.

See Also


How to: Create and Print a Swiss VAT Statement


Swiss VAT Statement


VAT Rates for Switzerland
Switzerland Local Functionality

Other Resources

General Ledger Setup Table
VAT Posting Setup Table
Adjust Exchange Rates Batch Job
Currency Exchange Rate Table
VAT Entry Table
General Journal Window
Gen. Journal Line Table
Sales Journal Window
Purchase Journal Window