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machine identifier: A GUID that is unique for each machine.

Magazines: See Slots.

mail app: An app for Office that enhances an email or appointment item.

mail tip: A note that is presented to the author of a message when the author is composing the message. A mail tip provides information about the recipients of a message and issues that might impact delivery of the message, such as moderation or delivery restrictions.

mail user: An Address Book object that represents a person or entity that can receive deliverable messages.

Mail User Agent (MUA): A client application that is used to compose and read email messages.

mailbox: A message store that contains email, calendar items, and other Message objects for a single recipient.

main data source: An XML document or XML schema that defines the collection of fields (1) and groups (1) that store data for an InfoPath form.

main mode (MM): The first phase of an Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation that performs authentication and negotiates a main mode security association (MM SA) between the peers. For more information, see [RFC2409] section 5.

main mode security association (MM SA): A security association that is used to protect Internet Key Exchange (IKE) traffic between two peers. For more information, see [RFC2408] section 2.

manageable entity: A Common Information Model (CIM) instance that represents a manageable component of an operating system.

Managed Object Format (MOF): A textual encoding for Common Information Model (CIM) objects, this representation is not used within protocol operations defined in [MS-WMI]. MOF is defined in [DMTF-DSP0004] section 3. The MOF text encoding is only used for illustrative purposes. The binary encoding can be translated to and from the MOF format.

management client: An application that uses the WSRM Protocol interfaces for the purpose of presenting a user interface that allows a user to perform the functions exposed by the WSRM Protocol.

management service: An agent that implements the WSRM Protocol on a given computer by applying specified resource policies, returning requested accounting information, and storing the accounting data dumped by the other management services running on remote servers.

management state: A state switch with two values, running and stopped, that tells whether the management service can be active or inactive. "Running" means the service will perform all resource management and accounting functions according to its current policies. "Stopped" means that it will remain in an inactive state, doing nothing except making configuration changes that will take effect when the management service becomes active again; for example, import, export, creation, deletion, or modification of resource allocation policy.

mapper: A station that initiates a topology discovery test.

mapping mode: The way in which logical (device-independent) coordinates are mapped to device space (device-specific) coordinates. It also specifies the orientation of the axes and size of the units used for drawing operations.

marker: An unsigned 32-bit integer value that adheres to property tag syntax and is used to denote the start and end of related data in a FastTransfer stream. The property tags that are used by markers do not represent valid properties.

marshal: To encode one or more data structures into an octet stream using a specific remote procedure call (RPC) transfer syntax (for example, marshaling a 32-bit integer).

media: Compressed audio, video, and text data that is used by the client to play a presentation.

media data: The data for an audio or video stream in a presentation, encoded in a specific format.

media type: A value that is specified in a Content-Type Header field, as described in [RFC2045].

meeting: An event with attendees.

Meeting Cancellation object: A Message object that represents a meeting organizer's cancellation of a previously scheduled meeting.

Meeting Forward Notification object: A Message object that represents a notification that is sent to the meeting organizer when an attendee forwards a meeting request.

Meeting object: A Calendar object that has both an organizer and attendees.

meeting request: An instance of a Meeting Request object.

Meeting Request object: A Message object that represents an invitation from the meeting organizer to an attendee.

Meeting Response object: A Message object that represents an attendee’s response to a meeting organizer's invitation. The response indicates whether the attendee accepted, tentatively accepted, or declined the meeting request. The response can include a proposed new date or time for the meeting.

meeting suggestions: A possible meeting time based on the availability of the meeting attendees.

meeting update: An instance of a Meeting Update object.

Meeting Update object: A Message object that represents a meeting organizer's changes to a previously scheduled meeting. The update is categorized as either a full update or an informational update.

Meeting Workspace: A website that is created by using the Meetings Web Services protocol, as described in [MS-MEETS]. It can host documents, discussions, and other information about a meeting.

meeting-related object: A Message object that represents a relay of information between a meeting organizer and an attendee. It can be any of the following: Meeting Request object, Meeting Update object, Meeting Cancellation object, or Meeting Response object.

mesh: (1) A network of nodes that are all identified with the same mesh name.

(2) The covering of the surface of an object by triangular shapes without gaps or overlaps.

mesh name: A set of nodes that establish connections to each other to form a mesh.

message: (1) A data structure representing a unit of data transfer between distributed applications. A message has message properties, which may include message header properties, a message body property, and message trailer properties.

(2) See message tag (MTAG).

(3) A fax that a fax server has completely received or transmitted, and archived to the Fax Archive Folder described in [MS-FAX] section 3.1.1.

(4) An atomic unit in the OMA-DM protocol.

message body: (1) The content within an HTTP message, as described in [RFC2616].

(2) The main message text of an email message. A few properties of a Message object represent its message body, with one property containing the text itself and others defining its code page and its relationship to alternative body formats.

(3) A distinguished message property that represents the application payload.

(4) As specified in [RFC2616] section 4.3.

message class: A property that loosely defines the type of a message, contact, or other Personal Information Manager (PIM) object in a mailbox.

Message object: A set of properties that represents an email message, appointment, contact, or other type of personal-information-management object. In addition to its own properties, a Message object contains recipient properties that represent the addressees to which it is addressed, and an attachments table that represents any files and other Message objects that are attached to it.

message part: A message body (2) with a string property that contains only the portion of an email message that is original to the message. It does not include any previous, quoted messages. If a message does not quote a previous message, the message part is identical to the message body.

message property: A data structure that contains a property identifier and a value, and that is associated with a message.

message queue: A data structure containing an ordered list of zero or more messages. A queue has a head and a tail and supports a first in, first out (FIFO) access pattern. Messages are appended to the tail through a write operation (Send) that appends the message and increments the tail pointer. Messages are consumed from the head through a destructive read operation (Receive) that deletes the message and increments the head pointer. A message at the head may also be read through a nondestructive read operation (Peek).

message store: A unit of containment for a single hierarchy of Folder objects, such as a mailbox or public folders.

message tag (MTAG): (1) A message that is sent between participants in the context of connections.

(2) A 4-byte integer value that describes the message type and its interpretation.

message transfer agent (MTA): An SMTP server that accepts mail from a client or another MTA and delivers the mail or relays it to another MTA.

Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI): (1) A messaging architecture that enables multiple applications to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms.

(2) A Windows programming interface that enables email to be sent from within a Windows application.

messaging object: An object that exists in a mailbox. It can be only a Folder object or a Message object.

metadata: (1) XML-formatted data that defines the characteristics of an update, including its title, description, rules for determining whether the update is applicable to a client computer, and instructions for installing the update content.

(2) A generic term for a hash or hash list.

MetadataObject: An abstract data structure that consists of a set of attributes (1) that represent a LobSystem, LobSystemInstance, DataClass, Entity, Method, MethodInstance, Parameter, TypeDescriptor, Identifier, FilterDescriptor, Action, ActionParameter, or Association.

metafile: (1) A file that stores an image as graphical objects, such as lines, circles, and polygons, instead of pixels. A metafile preserves an image more accurately than pixels when an image is resized.

(2) A sequence of record structures that store an image in an application-independent format. Metafile records contain drawing commands, object definitions, and configuration settings. When a metafile is processed, the stored image can be rendered on a display, output to a printer or plotter, stored in memory, or saved to a file or stream.

meta-property: An entity that is identified with a property tag containing information (a value) that describes how to process other data in a FastTransfer stream.

MethodInstance: A type of MetadataObject that associates a normalized or stereotypical semantic with a Method that represents a native API in a line-of-business (LOB) system. MethodInstances identify which part of the data that is returned by a Method is relevant for the semantic by defining a ReturnTypeDescriptor. MethodInstances are contained by Methods.

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ): A communications service that provides asynchronous and reliable message passing between distributed applications. In Message Queuing, applications send messages to queues and consume messages from queues. The queues provide persistence of the messages, enabling the sending and receiving applications to operate asynchronously from one another.

MIME attachment: A body part that is in a MIME message, for example, an email message or a file that is attached to an email message.

MIME body: The content of a MIME entity, which follows the header of the MIME entity to which they both belong.

MIME content-type: A content type that is as described in [RFC2045], [RFC2046], and [RFC2047].

MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML): A MIME-encapsulated HTML document, as described in [RFC2557].

MIME entity: An entity that is as described in [RFC2045], [RFC2046], and [RFC2047].

MIME entity header: A type of header that is as described by [RFC2045].

MIME message: A message that is as described in [RFC2045], [RFC2046], and [RFC2047].

MIME part: A message part that is as described in [RFC2045], [RFC2046], and [RFC2047].

MIME writer: An agent that performs MIME generation. It can be a client or a server.

Minimal Entry ID: A property of an Address Book object that can be used to uniquely identify the object.

minimal reminder domain: The smallest scope that a client is allowed to use when searching for objects that have an active reminder. The minimal reminder domain includes the following folders: Inbox, primary Contacts, primary Calendar, and primary Tasks. It does not include sub-folders.

module: (1) A collection of routines and data structures that performs a specific task or implements a specific abstract data type. Modules usually consist of two parts, a module header and a module body. A module header is a set of name/value attribute pairs that specify the linguistic characteristics of the module. A module body is the VBA source code, a set of declarations followed by procedures. VBA supports two types of modules, procedural modules and class modules.

(2) A file used by a server to register and instantiate one or more components. It contains either implementations of the components or metadata that a server can use to find implementations.

(3) A BLOB in the Desired State Configuration Pull Model Protocol [MS-DSCPM]. The protocol does not process the content of the BLOB, and it is passed as it is to the higher layer.

Mount: To move physical media from a libraryslot to a drive.

MSMQ: See Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ).

MSMQ Directory Service: A network directory service that provides directory information, including key distribution, to MSMQ. It initially shipped in the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack as part of MSMQ. This directory service predates and is superseded by Active Directory (AD).

MSMQ object: Any one of the objects stored by MSMQ in its directory service. An object has a class name and a set of properties.

multibyte character set (MBCS): An alternative to Unicode for supporting character sets, like Japanese and Chinese, that cannot be represented in a single byte. Under MBCS, characters are encoded in either one or two bytes. In two-byte characters, the first byte, or "lead" byte, signals that both it and the following byte are to be interpreted as one character. The first byte comes from a range of codes reserved for use as lead bytes. Which ranges of bytes can be lead bytes depends on the code page in use. For example, Japanese code page 932 uses the range 0x81 through 0x9F as lead bytes, but Korean code page 949 uses a different range.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS): A communications protocol that is designed for messages containing text, images, and other multimedia content that is sent between mobile phones.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): A set of extensions that redefines and expands support for various types of content in email messages, as described in [RFC2045], [RFC2046], and [RFC2047].

multivalue instance: A row that is in a table and corresponds to a single value in a multivalue property. There are multiple rows for each Message object in a table and each row corresponds to one value of the multivalue property. Each row has a single value for the property and the properties for the other columns are repeated.

multivalue property: A property that can contain multiple values of the same type.

multi-valued claim: See the definition of claim.