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Table object: An object that is used to view properties for a collection of objects of a specific type, such as a Message object or a Folder object. A Table object is structured in a row and column format with each row representing an object and each column representing a property of the object.

tagged property: A property that is defined by a 16-bit property ID and a 16-bit property type. The property ID for a tagged property is in the range 0x001 – 0x7FFF. Property IDs in the range 0x8000 – 0x8FFF are reserved for assignment to named properties.

target: An actor to which a task (2) is assigned.

target location: The target location is the destination location of a file that has been compressed by RDC.

task: (1) An act to be executed by all query servers, and any requisite information for those query servers to execute that act correctly.

(2) A component of an action (1) that defines the work that actors need to do within a workflow system. An action can have zero or more tasks that are each assigned to different targets. There is a one-to-one correlation between tasks and targets.

(3) An object (1) that represents an assignment to be completed.

(4) An object identifying an administrative action (for example, running a program) to be performed on specified triggers and conditions (for example, every day at a specific time). Synonym for job.

(5) The building block of a package. A task consists of code that executes a function, as specified by the options, settings, and parameters of the task that are specified when the task is called.

task acceptance: A Message object that is used to convey acceptance of a task assignment.

task assignee: A user to whom a task has been assigned.

task communication: Collectively, a task request, a task acceptance or task rejection, and a task update.

Task object: A Message object that represents an assignment to be completed.

task owner: The user who is responsible for updating a task. For unassigned tasks, the local user is the owner. For assigned tasks, the task assignee is the owner.

task rejection: A Message object that is used to convey the rejection of a task assignment.

task request: A Message object that is used to issue a task assignment.

task update: A Message object that is used by a task assignee to send task changes to a task assigner.

Tasks folder: A Folder object that contains Task objects.

template: A file that contains pre-defined formatting including layout, text and graphics. It serves as the basis for new documents that have a similar look or purpose. See also form template (Microsoft InfoPath) and site template (SharePoint Products and Technologies).

tentative: One of the possible values for the free/busy status on an appointment. A tentative status indicates that the user is tentatively booked during the appointment.

term: A concept or an idea that is stored and can be used as metadata.

term set: A collection of terms that are arranged into and stored as a hierarchy or a flat list.

term store: A database in which managed metadata is stored in the form of term sets and terms.

ticket: A record generated by the key distribution center (KDC) that helps a client authenticate to a service. It contains the client's identity, a unique cryptographic key for use with this ticket (the session key), a time stamp, and other information, all sealed using the service's secret key. It only serves to authenticate a client when presented along with a valid authenticator.

time flag: A flag that extends the concept of a basic flag by associating time-related properties, such as start and due dates, with the flag information on a Message object. A time flagged Message object is also marked with a red color flag, but it is not considered to be color flagged by definition.

To recipient: See primary recipient.

token: (1) A word in an item or a search query that translates into a meaningful word or number in written text. A token is the smallest textual unit that can be matched in a search query. Examples include "cat", "AB14", or "42".

(2) A set of rights and privileges for a given user.

(3) The byte that specifies the start of a record.

(4) A block of data that is issued to a user on successful authentication by the authentication server. Such a token is presented to a service to prove one's identity and attributes to a service. The token is used in the process of determining the user's authorization and access privileges.

tombstone: (1) An individual record of scheduling data that represents a Meeting object where an attendee declined a meeting.

(2) An object that has been deleted, but remains in storage until a configured amount of time (the tombstone lifetime) has passed, after which the object is permanently removed from storage. By keeping the tombstone in existence for the tombstone lifetime, the deleted state of the object is able to replicate. Tombstones exist only when the Recycle Binoptional feature is not enabled.

(3) In Distributed File System Replication (DFS-R), an update pertaining to a file deletion.

(4) A marker that is used to represent an item that has been deleted. A tombstone is used to track deleted items and prevent their reintroduction into the synchronization community.

(5) An inactive DNS node which is not considered to be part of a DNS zone but has not yet been deleted from the zone database in the directory server. Tombstones may be permanently deleted from the zone once they reach a certain age. Tombstones are not used for DNS zones that are not stored in the directory server. A node is a tombstone if its dnsTombstoned attribute has been set to "TRUE".

tombstone lifetime: The amount of time a deleted directory object remains in storage before it is permanently deleted. To avoid inconsistencies in object deletion, the tombstone lifetime is configured to be many times longer than the worst-case replication latency.

top-level message: A message that is not included in another message as an Embedded Message object. Top-level messages are messaging objects.

top-level site: The first site in a site collection. All other sites within a site collection are child sites of the top-level site. The URL of the top-level site is also the URL of the site collection.

topology discovery test: A test that an application or higher-layer protocol can use to facilitate discovering the link-layer topology of a single link in a network. That is, to facilitate discovering the set of segments and switches, and determining which responders are on which segments. Compare this term with quick discovery.

track: (1) Any of the concentric circles on a disk platter over which a magnetic head (used for reading and writing data on the disk) passes while the head is stationary but the disk is spinning. A track is subdivided into sectors, upon which data is read and written.

(2) A time-ordered collection of samples of a particular type (such as audio or video).

transaction: (1) An object that stores the state and metadata for an item during a crawl.

(2) A single unit of work. If a transaction is successful, all data modifications that were made during the transaction are committed and become a permanent part of the database. If a transaction encounters an error and is canceled or rolled back, all data modifications are erased.

(3) The process of opening or creating an object on a server, and the subsequent committing of changes to the object by calling the required save function, at which time all changes to that instance of the object are either saved to the server, or discarded if a failure occurs before saving is finished successfully. Until successfully saved, changes are invisible to any other instances of the object.

(4) In OleTx, an atomic transaction.

transaction manager: The party that is responsible for managing and distributing the outcome of atomic transactions. A transaction manager is either a root transaction manager or a subordinate transaction manager for a specified transaction.

transform: (1) An operation that is performed on data to change it from one form to another. Two examples of transforms are compression and encryption.

(2) An algorithm that transforms the size, orientation, and shape of objects that are copied from one coordinate space into another. Although a transform affects an object as a whole, it is applied to each point, or to each line, in the object.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): A protocol used with the Internet Protocol (IP) to send data in the form of message units between computers over the Internet. TCP handles keeping track of the individual units of data (called packets) that a message is divided into for efficient routing through the Internet.

transport address: (1) A 3-tuple that consists of a port, an IPv4 or IPV6 address, and a transport protocol of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

(2) The combination of a network address and port that identifies a transport-level endpoint, for example an IP address and a UDPport. Packets are transmitted from a source transport address to a destination transport address. See [RFC3550] section 3.

Transport Layer Security (TLS): A security protocol that supports confidentiality and integrity of messages in client and server applications communicating over open networks. TLS supports server and, optionally, client authentication by using X.509 certificates (as specified in [X509]). TLS is standardized in the IETF TLS working group. See [RFC4346].

Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF): A binary type-length-value encoding that is used to encode properties for transport, as described in [MS-OXTNEF].

Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) message: A MIME representation of an email message in which attachments and some message properties are carried in a Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) body part.

trigger: A change of state (for example, reaching a specific time of day) that signals when a task is to run. A task runs when any of its triggers and all of its conditions are satisfied.

trust: (1) The state of accepting another authority's statements for the purposes of authentication and authorization. If domain A trusts domain B, domain A will accept domain B's authentication and authorization statements for principals represented by security principal objects in domain B; for example, the list of groups to which a particular user belongs. As a noun, a trust is the relationship between two domains described in the previous sentence.

(2) To accept another authority's statements for the purposes of authentication and authorization, especially in the case of a relationship between two domains. If domain A trusts domain B, domain A accepts domain B's authentication and authorization statements for principals represented by security principal objects in domain B; for example, the list of groups to which a particular user belongs. As a noun, a trust is the relationship between two domains described in the previous sentence.

(3) The characteristic that one entity is willing to rely on a second entity to execute a set of actions and/or to make a set of assertions about a set of subjects and/or scopes. For more information, see [WSFedPRP] sections 1.4 and 2.

Two-Way Method: A Remote Method that has a response sent from the implementation of the Remote Method back to the caller.