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Junk E-Mail Settings

Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Microsoft Exchange, Live@edu

Use the Block or Allow tab to help control unwanted and unsolicited messages by creating and managing lists of e-mail addresses and domains that you trust and those you don't.

To manage junk e-mail settings, go to Options > See All Options > Block or Allow.


This topic applies to the standard version of Outlook Web App. To read about this feature for the Outlook Web App Light, see Options > Junk E-Mail.

Junk E-Mail

Setting Description

Don't move mail to my Junk E-Mail folder

Select this option button if you want to turn off junk e-mail filtering. If you select this, you won't be able to use any of the other options on this tab.

Selecting this doesn't turn off the junk e-mail filtering that's been set by the administrator for your account.

Automatically filter junk e-mail

Select this option if you want to use junk e-mail filtering. This is in addition to the junk e-mail filtering that's been set by the administrator for your account.

Safe Senders and Recipients

Add senders you trust and recipients that you don't want to block to this list. E-mail from these senders or to these recipients will never be treated as junk e-mail. Safe recipients include groups that you're a member of and from which you want to receive e-mail messages. You can also add individual e-mail addresses to your Safe Senders and Recipients list. A recipient is the intended destination of a message. A recipient can be a specific person or a group.

Trust e-mail From my contacts

If you select this check box, e-mail from any address in your Contacts will be treated as safe.

Blocked Senders

Blocked senders are domains and people you don't want to receive e-mail messages from. Messages received from any e-mail address or domain in your Blocked Senders list are sent directly to your Junk E-Mail folder.

Don't trust e-mail unless it comes from someone in my Safe Senders and Recipients list or local senders

In addition to Safe Senders and Recipients and Blocked Senders, you can use this setting to treat all e-mail as junk unless it comes from someone included in your Safe Senders and Recipients list or from senders in your shared address list.

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