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Create or edit users


You have to create an account for every user who will access Microsoft Office 365 for professionals and small businesses services. You can also change user accounts or delete them when they’re no longer needed. For more information, see Assigning administrator permissions.

By default, users do not have administrator permissions, but you can optionally assign them. For more information, see Assigning administrator permissions.

What do you want to do?

  • Create a user

  • Edit a user

  • Change a user name

  • Edit multiple users

  • Delete one or more users

Create a user

To create a single user account, follow these steps. To add several users all at once, see Add multiple users with bulk import.

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. On the Admin page, in the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, click New, and then click User.

  4. On the Details page, complete the user information. Click the arrow next to Additional details to add optional user information, and then click Next.

  5. On the Settings page, if you want the user to have administrator permissions, click Yes. For important details about administrator accounts, see Assigning administrator permissions.


    If you are an administrator for a partner company, you’ll see more settings for assigning administrative privileges.

  6. Under Set user location, select the user’s work location, and then click Next.

  7. On the Assign licenses page, select the licenses that you want to assign to the user, and then click Next.


    If you have no licenses available, you can purchase more licenses, remove licenses from existing users, or delete user accounts that have assigned licenses.

  8. On the Send results in email page, select Send email to send the user name and temporary password (Office 365 creates the password automatically) for the newly created user to yourself and recipients of your choice by email. Type email addresses separated by semicolons (;), and then click Create. You can enter a maximum of five email addresses.

  9. On the Results page, the new user and temporary password are displayed. When you’re finished reviewing the results, click Finish.


If your organization uses more than one domain, you should know about the following issues when you create a user account:

  • You can create user accounts with the same user principal name (UPN) across domains if you first create, for example, followed by

  • You cannot create followed by

Edit a user

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. On the Admin page, in the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, select the check box next to the user that you want to edit, and then click Edit.

  4. Click the Details, Settings, Licenses, or More tabs, depending on the changes that you want to make. Complete your changes, and then click Save.

Change a user name

As the Office 365 admin, you may need to change the user name for someone in your organization, if, for example, someone gets married and their last name changes. Changing the user name for a user also changes their email address. For example, if you change a user’s User name from Tammy.Smith to Tammy.Kennedy, the email address for that user changes from to

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. On the Admin page, in the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, select the user that you want to edit, and then click Edit.

  4. Click the Details tab, and change the user name.

  5. Complete your changes, and then click Save.

  6. Let the person know what their new user ID is. They’ll need it to sign in.


It might take up to 24 hours for this change to take effect across all services.
When the change has taken effect, the user will be prompted to sign in with their updated user name when signing into the Office 365 Portal. The user should also consider the following:

  • If your users use Microsoft Outlook (for example Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, or Outlook for Mac 2011), they will need to sign in to those programs with their new email address.

  • If your users use Office 365 on a mobile device, they will need to sign in to their Office 365 email or other Office 365 services using their new email address.

Edit multiple users

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. On the Admin page, in the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, select the check boxes next to the users that you want to edit, and then click Edit.

  4. On the Details page, edit the information as needed, and then click Next.

  5. On the Settings page, edit the information as needed, and then click Next.

  6. On the Assign licenses page, do one of the following, and then click Submit.

    • If you’re not making any changes to the existing license assignments, click Retain current license assignments.

    • To replace existing license assignments, click Replace existing license assignments and then select one or more licenses from the list.

    • To add licenses to the existing license assignments, click Add to existing license assignments, and then select one or more licenses from the list.


      If you have no licenses available, you can purchase more licenses, recover the use of service licenses by removing licenses from existing users, or delete user accounts that have assigned licenses.

  7. On the Results page, review your results. When you’re finished reviewing the results, click Finish.


Some changes may take time to apply across multiple services.

Delete one or more users

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. On the Admin page, in the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, select the check box next to the user or users that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Delete confirmation message, click Yes.

See Also

Create, edit, or delete a user view
Add multiple users with bulk import
Manage licenses
Assigning administrator permissions