Exercise 4: Verification

In this verification, you will run the HelloWorld application, then modify the deployed SayHello.xaml file from the bin\Debug folder and see if the new text appears in the console window.

  1. Press CTRL+F5 to run the workflow without debugging. The application should run in a console window and print the message “Hello Workflow 4”.
  2. Navigate to the Bin\Debug directory under your project folder and locate SayHello.xaml.

    Figure 14

    Locate the SayHello.xaml file in the project’s Bin\Debug directory

  3. Right click on SayHello.xaml and select Edit to open it in Notepad

    Figure 15

    Right click and select Edit

  4. In Notepad change the Text property of the WriteLine activity to “Hello Workflow 4 XAML” then save and close it.

    Figure 16

    Change the Text property in Notepad

  5. In Windows Explorer, run HelloWorkflow.exe and it should now say “Hello Workflow 4 from XAML”. Press any key to exit.

    Figure 17

    HelloWorkflow.exe showing a new message from the .xaml file

  6. Go back to Visual Studio and restore SayHello.xaml to the default settings. You will need this for the rest of the labs.

    1. Build Action: XamlAppDef
    2. Copy to Output Directory: Do not copy
    3. Custom Tool: MSBuild:Compile

    Figure 18

    Restore SayHello.xaml to the default properties for .xaml files

  7. In Solution Explorer, select SayHello.xaml and set the build action to XamlAppDef. Once this is done you can delete Activity1.xaml from the project.

Next Step

Exercise 5: Testing Workflows