Exercise 2: Analyzing Test Runs

In this exercise, you will learn how to use the Test activity to analyze test runs.

  1. In Microsoft Test Manager, select the Test tab to open the test activity used by testers. By default, the Run Tests window is loaded.
  2. Select the test suite 7 node to view the test runs and their states. Note that the test case with ID = 41 is represented three times, one for each configuration that has been configured for it.

    Figure 1

    Viewing test runs for a test suite [your screen may look different]

  3. Select the test suite 8 node to view its test runs. Note that two of the test cases are listed as being blocked. Blocking a test case is an action that can be performed by the tester to indicate that they are unable to perform the test case, perhaps due to something such as a user story not being implemented yet or a dependency requirement not working. For example, if the test case is to create an account on a Web application, and some other related component prevents the tester from even attempting the action, the tester can indicate that they are blocked.

    Figure 2

    Blocked test case

  4. Select the Analyze Test Runs link and select the Show Manual Runs button to view the historical test runs for the current test plan. You may need to change the Start date range to All in order to see some test runs.

    Figure 3

    Analyze Test Runs window

  5. Open the test run with ID = 21 by double-clicking on it. A summary shows start and completion timestamps, type, build version, and so on. Expand the Tests area to expose the results of the test run for the associated test cases.

    Figure 4

    Results of a test run

  6. Open one of the test results for the test case with ID = 41. Note that there are a number of attachments that were collected during the test such as system information and a video of the manual test.

    Figure 5

    Test results example

  7. Close the test results window by selecting the X in the top-right corner of the test results window. Be careful not to close the Test Manager application.

Next Step

Exercise 3: Selecting Builds to Test Against