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Adding Launchers to E-Mail and Phone Numbers

Version: 1.0.0


SharePoint Contact lists contain fields for E-Mail address and Phone number. When building interactivity into your applications it is desirable to provide users with the ability to tap an E-Mail address to send them a message or tap their phone number to call them. Windows Phone Task Launchers provide interactivity of this sort. Different launchers handle tasks such as dialing the phone, sending an E-Mail message, and sending a SMS Text message.


SharePoint Contact lists contain fields for E-Mail address and Phone number. When building interactivity into your applications it is desirable to provide users with the ability to tap an E-Mail address to send them a message or tap their phone number to call them. Windows Phone Task Launchers provide interactivity of this sort. Different launchers handle tasks such as dialing the phone, sending an E-Mail message, and sending a SMS Text message: PhoneCallTask, EmailComposeTask and SmsComposeTask respectively.

In this lab, you will create an application that reads a SharePoint Contact list. You will add controls to render the contact’s E-Mail address and Phone number. When clicked, each control will perform the appropriate action for the control; the Phone number will dial the phone and the E-Mail button will initiate the composition of an E-Mail message.


In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to create a Windows Phone 7 application that can send e-mail and dial the phone based on SharePoint Contact list data. The Windows Phone 7 application will render the data so that users can click the phone number and e-mail address to trigger the appropriate actions.

  • Learn how to create data aware hyperlink buttons
  • Learn how to create an On Click event to send an Email message
  • Learn how to create an On Click event to place a phone call


The following is required to complete this hands-on lab:

See Setting Up A SharePoint and Windows Phone 7 Development Environment Module for instructions that describe how to set up the SharePoint and Windows Phone 7 developer machine.

See the Querying the List Schema for Choice Fields lab in the SharePoint and Windows Phone 7 Tips and Best Practices module for instructions that describe how to set up the SharePoint Contact list that will be used in this lab.