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Running the Client

Task 1 – Verifying Cluster State

In this task, you will verify that the nodes in your cluster are online.

  1. Open the HPC 2008 R2 Cluster Manager application from Start | All Programs | Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2 | HPC Cluster Manager.
  2. In the Cluster Manager application, enter the Node Management section and verify that the Windows Azure nodes in the cluster are online, as shown in Figure 12:

    Figure 12

    Verifying the state of the Windows Azure nodes

  3. Enter the Configuration section, select the Services option from the configuration list, and run the SOA Service Loading DiagnosticsTest on the WordAssociation service, as shown in Figure 13:

    Figure 13

    Running service load diagnostics

  4. In the Run Diagnostic Tests window, select the AzureNodes node group from the Nodes in this group drop-down list, check the Go to Test Results to see test progress and results checkbox, and then click Run.
  5. In the Diagnostics window, wait for the test to complete and verify its success.
Note: If the service diagnostic fails, view the diagnostic information and perform the required fix. If this involves changing the service configuration or recompiling the service assembly, you will need to redeploy your service before running the diagnostics again.

Task 2 – Running the Client Application

In this task, you will test the word-association service in the HPC cluster by running the client application.

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
  2. Open the WordAssociation.sln solution file located in the WordAssociation\Source folder.
  3. In the Solution Explorer window, set the WordAssociation.ConsoleClient project as the startup project.
  4. Build the solution and run the WordAssociation.ConsoleClient project. You should see the following output at first:

    Figure 14

    Viewing the ConsoleClient output

  5. The client application will submit a new service job to the HPC Job Scheduler, and after a few minutes you should be able to see the results of the first run, as shown in Figure 15:

    Figure 15

    Results for the adventure-related text

  6. Examine the results shown in the above figure; they indicate that the genre that has the most word-association matches for the adventure-related text is the Fiction: Adventure genre.
  7. After analyzing the first file, the application will continue analyzing the other 11 data files (essays, general fiction, hobbies, etc.), outputting the results for each type of content. Wait until all the jobs are completed.