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Game Development with XNA Framework

Version: 1.2.0


This lab introduces you to XNA Game Studio game development on Windows Phones, as well as to the basics of XNA Game Studio game development. During the course of this lab you will build a simple XNA Game Studio game that introduces key concepts in XNA Game Studio game development and learn how to use Microsoft Visual 2010 Express for Windows Phone to build and design your XNA Game Studio games for Windows Phones.


This lab introduces you to XNA Game Studio game development on Windows Phones, as well as to the basics of XNA Game Studio game development. During the lab you will build a simple XNA Game Studio game application that introduces key concepts in XNA Game Studio game development and learn how to use Microsoft Visual 2010 Express for Windows Phone to build and design your XNA Game Studio games for Windows Phones.


At the end of the lab you will have:

  • A high-level understanding of the XNA Game Studio game engine model within a Windows Phone 7 application
  • Learned how to use resources (images, fonts, etc.) in your XNA Game Studio game
  • Learned how to add game logic
  • Learned about the drawing mechanism for Windows Phone XNA Game Studio games


The following is required in order to complete this hands-on lab:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  • Windows Phone Developer Tools
     To download the tools, go to This lab assumes use of the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK.


This hands-on lab includes the following tasks:

  1. XNA Game Studio Game Basics
  2. XNA Framework Resources
  3. XNA Game Studio Game Loop
  4. XNA Game Studio Game Input
  5. Alien Game Specific Logic

Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes.