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Beginning Windows Phone Development

This unit provides you with basic scenario-based hands-on labs demonstrating Mango's capabilities.

Hands-On Labs

  • Hello Windows Phone

    This lab intends to be the classic "Hello World" application, introducing you to the tools and procedures required to build and test Silverlight for Windows Phone applications. During the lab, you will see how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phones along with Expression Blend to build and design your Windows Phone applications, and how to deploy and debug your Windows Phone applications on the Windows Phone Emulator.

  • Building your First Windows Phone 7 Application

    This lab introduces you to the basic building blocks of any Windows Phone Silverlight application. During the course of this lab you will create a simple puzzle game. The lab takes you through the different stages of starting a new project, adding controls and code behind, and testing and debugging. Unlike the "Hello World" lab, this lab focuses on some phone-related topics like navigation, using pages, frames and navigation services, multi-touch, and isolated storage.

  • Windows Phone Navigation and Controls

    This lab introduces you to the Windows Phone layout system, the phone's chrome, and some new controls. The lab explains the basics of navigating between different screens (pages) in a Windows Phone Silverlight application. During the lab you will build a navigation application that switches between various screens, with each screen exposing different phone functionality, such as playing an audio or video file.

  • Application Lifecycle

    The Windows Phone execution model dictates that only a single application can be active at one time, the foreground application. Therefore when the user navigates away from your application, be it by choice or due to an unexpected event such as a phone call, the Windows Phone operating system terminates your application. When creating an application, you must take this into account and make sure your application can both preserve and restore its state. This lab focuses on presenting the application life-cycle and demonstrating proper handling of various life-cycle events.

  • Using Pivot and Panorama Controls

    This lab walks you through the steps required to use the new controls for presenting information, the Pivot and Panorama controls. The lab will also help you learn about the new navigation model in Windows Phone 7.

  • Accessing Windows Phone 7 Devices

    The Windows Phone 7 is equipped with a Camera and GPS (global positioning system). Developers can leverage these devices to build location-aware applications and take live photos. This lab walks you through the steps required to integrate your applications with the phone camera. The goal is to build an application that lets you capture pictures, give them a title, and save them to the application local store.

  • Game Development with XNA Framework

    This lab introduces you to XNA Game Studio game development on Windows Phones, as well as to the basics of XNA Game Studio game development. During the course of this lab you will build a simple XNA Game Studio game that introduces key concepts in XNA Game Studio game development and learn how to use Microsoft Visual 2010 Express for Windows Phone to build and design your XNA Game Studio games for Windows Phones.

  • Discovering Windows Phone 7 Device Capabilities

    All Windows Phone devices meet a common hardware specification, but some provide additional features. It is possible for an application to examine the device's capabilities in order to alter its behavior to provide the best user experience. This hands-on-lab shows you how to query a device’s capabilities for networking, hardware, and general device information such as manufacturer and firmware.

  • PhotoFun

    This hands-on-lab walks you through the new camera APIs in the Windows Phone "Mango" release. You will learn how to capture and preview the live camera stream, integrate with the hardware buttons, and even how to apply effects to the live stream.

  • Launchers

    The choosers and launchers APIs allow an application to integrate with common operating system tasks such as taking a picture, finding an address or a contact, making a call, or saving a ring tone. This hands-on lab walks you through the launchers available on Windows Phone.

  • Choosers

    The choosers and launchers APIs allow an application to integrate with common operating system tasks such as taking a picture, finding an address or a contact, making a call, or saving a ring tone. This hands-on lab walks you through the choosers available on Windows Phone.

  • Weather Service Push notifications

    The Microsoft Push Notification Service in Windows Phone offers third-party developers a resilient, dedicated, and persistent channel to send information and updates to a mobile application from a web service. This hands-on-lab will show you how to build an end-to-end push notification service, including subscribing to push on your phone and building the server-side code to send push notifications to the phone.

  • Using Bing Maps

    This lab walks you through the steps required for using the Bing Maps Silverlight Control for Windows Phone, and provides a quick reference for developing Windows Phone applications integrated with Bing Maps.
