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FindNearby method

Finds nearby places around a specified location, route, or route segment. Results are sorted in distance order, from closest to farthest, and are limited to the currently visible PlaceCategory objects. Returns a FindResults collection.

Applies to

Collections:  Directions

Objects:  Direction, Location




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a collection or object in the Applies to list.
Distance Required Double. The distance to search, in GeoUnits.


The map view is changed to the best map view of the find results. To return to the map view that existed before the FindNearby method was used, use the GoBack method on a Map object.

To return or set GeoUnits, use the Units property of an Application or MappointControl object.


  [Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0]
  Sub GetClosestPointOfInterest()
  Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application   Dim objMap As MapPoint.Map   Dim objLoc As MapPoint.Location
  'Set up application   Set objMap = objApp.ActiveMap   objApp.Visible = True   objApp.UserControl = True
  'Get a location on the map   Set objLoc = objMap.FindResults("Seattle, WA").Item(1)
  'Find nearby places 2 miles from that location   MsgBox "Closest nearby place: " + objLoc.FindNearby(2).Item(1).Name
  End Sub
void GetClosestPointOfInterest() { MapPoint.Application objApp = new MapPoint.Application(); MapPoint.Map objMap = null; MapPoint.Location objLoc = null; MapPoint.Location objLoc2 = null; object key = 1; //Set up application objMap = objApp.ActiveMap; objApp.Visible=true; objApp.UserControl=true; //Get a location on the map objLoc = (MapPoint.Location) objMap.FindResults("Seattle, WA").get_Item(ref key); //Find nearby places 2 miles from that location objLoc2 = (MapPoint.Location) objLoc.FindNearby(2).get_Item(ref key); //A reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll is needed to show the MessageBox System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Closest nearby place: " + objLoc2.Name.ToString()); }

Note  This sample code is specifically for use in MapPoint North America; it is for illustration purposes only.