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IsGeographyForEveryZoomLevel property

Returns whether data is displayed differently depending on the altitude level to which the map view is zoomed. Returns True if the ShowDataBy property of the DataMap object is set to geoShowByZoomLevel when mapping data. Read-only Boolean.

Applies to

Objects:  DataMap




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a DataMap object.


    Sub GetInfoAboutDataMap()
    Dim objApp As New mappoint.Application
    Dim objDataMap As mappoint.DataMap
    Dim objDataSet As mappoint.DataSet

    'Set up application and objects to use     objApp.Visible = True     objApp.UserControl = True
    'Let user create a data map     Set objDataMap = objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets.ShowDataMappingWizard()
    'Get information about the data map     If objDataMap.IsGeographyForEveryZoomLevel Then       MsgBox "The data map changes geography depending on the zoom level."     Else       MsgBox "The data map is of a single geography."     End If   End Sub