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LegendTitle property

Returns or sets the name of the data map that appears in the legend. If not set, MapPoint generates a default name. When the IsGeographyForEveryZoomLevel property of the DataMap object is True, this property is read-only. Read/write String.

Applies to

Objects:  DataMap




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a DataMap object.


    Sub GetLegendTitle()
    Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application
    Dim objDM As MapPoint.DataMap

    Set objDM = objApp.OpenMap(objApp.Path & "\Samples\Clients.ptm").DataSets("Sales").DataMap
    'Check the legend title     MsgBox objDM.LegendTitle
    'Change the legend title     objDM.LegendTitle = "New Legend Title"
    'Check the new legend title     MsgBox objDM.LegendTitle   End Sub