About Viewlink CSS Inheritance
This page groups Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) attributes based on whether they are inheritable by document content in a viewlink component. A CSS attribute defined in the primary document is either inheritable or noninheritable, depending on whether its setting can apply to content in a viewlink document fragment.
Elements in the document fragment that have CSS style attributes defined in the HTML Component (HTC) file do not inherit styles defined in the primary document. Also, noninheritable styles defined in the primary document do not affect the rendering of HTML in the document fragment.
CSS styles can be applied to the custom element in the primary document, and those that are inheritable bubble down through the HTML in the document fragment.
The Introduction to Viewlink provides more information on CSS attributes and their use with viewlink components.
Inheritable CSS Styles
Noninheritable CSS Styles
Behavior properties | behavior |
Font and text properties | verticalAlign |
rubyAlign | |
rubyOverhang | |
rubyPosition | |
Color and background properties | background |
backgroundAttachment | |
backgroundColor | |
backgroundImage | |
backgroundPosition | |
backgroundRepeat | |
Layout properties | border |
borderBottom | |
borderBottomColor | |
borderBottomStyle | |
borderBottomWidth | |
borderCollapse | |
borderColor | |
borderLeft | |
borderLeftColor | |
borderLeftStyle | |
borderLeftWidth | |
borderRight | |
borderRightColor | |
borderRightStyle | |
borderRightWidth | |
borderStyle | |
borderTop | |
borderTopColor | |
borderTopStyle | |
borderTopWidth | |
borderWidth | |
clear | |
styleFloat | |
margin | |
marginBottom | |
marginLeft | |
marginRight | |
marginTop | |
padding | |
paddingBottom | |
paddingLeft | |
paddingRight | |
paddingTop | |
tableLayout | |
Classification properties | display |
Positioning properties | bottom |
clip | |
height | |
left | |
overflow | |
overflowX | |
overflowY | |
position | |
right | |
top | |
width | |
zIndex | |
Printing properties | pageBreakAfter |
pageBreakBefore | |
Filter properties | filter |