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NetMeeting COM Object Model

The following figure shows the NetMeeting 3 COM object model. Click any rectangle to see a detailed description and diagram of the methods of each component.

The NetMeeting COM objects represent the following components:

Components Description
Conference Manager Object Manager of the overall conferencing system. Only one conference may be active at a time, all others are idle.
Local System Object Information about the local user and local computer.
Call Object Monitors and controls an incoming or outgoing call to a remote conference.
Conference Object Manages a local active conference.
Member Object A participant in a conference.
Channel Object A communications conduit for a specific type of data (application sharing, audio, data, file transfer, and video).
Audio Channel Object A communications conduit for audio data.
Video Channel Object A communications conduit for video data.
File Transfer Channel Object Manager of file transfer activity.
Application Sharing Channel Object Manager of shared applications.
Data Channel Object A communications conduit for sending and receiving data between two or more conference participants.