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The LaunchRemote method starts an application on a remote member's computer.

HRESULT LaunchRemote(
REFGUID rguid,INmMember *pMember);


  • rguid
    [in] GUID of the application to start.
  • pMember
    [in] Pointer to the INmMember interface on the remote Member object. If NULL, NetMeeting 3 attempts to start the remote application on all members in the conference.

Return Values

NetMeeting client applications can use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros in winerror.h to check return values.

Return values can include RPC layer errors or any of the following values.

  • S_OK
    The application was successfully launched.
    The pMember is an invalid pointer.


In most cases, each application will have one data channel and the same GUID will be used to identify the data channel and the application. In some cases, an application may have multiple data channels, each identified by its own GUID. In this case, the application will use one of these GUIDs as its launching GUID.

This method is valid only when there is a data conference. NetMeeting client applications launching an application remotely should use INmConference::GetNmchCaps to monitor the channel capabilities of a conference for the data capability, NMCH_DATA, before calling LaunchRemote.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Header:** Imsconf2.idl.

See Also

Remotely Launching Your Program, Further Reading