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IWMSServerTotalCounters Object (C#)

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IWMSServerTotalCounters Object (C#)

You can use the IWMSServerTotalCounters object to retrieve properties that contain information about totals that occur during server operation.

The IWMSServerTotalCounters object exposes the following properties and methods.

Property Description
Advertisements Retrieves the cumulative number of advertisements that have been streamed from playlists since the last reset.
AllCounters Retrieves an array that contains all of the counters supported by the object.
ConnectedPlayers Retrieves the total number of players connected to the server since the last reset.
CountersStartTime Retrieves the date and time at which the server started monitoring the total counters.
LateReads Retrieves the total number of read operations that took over 400 milliseconds.
LateSends Retrieves the total number of late send operations since the last reset.
OutgoingDistributionBytesSent Retrieves the total number of bytes sent to distribution connections since the last reset.
OutgoingDistributionConnections Retrieves the total number of distribution connections established since the last reset.
PlayerBytesSent Retrieves the total number of bytes sent to players since the last reset.
StreamDenials Retrieves the total number of denied stream transmissions since the last reset.
StreamErrors Retrieves the total number of dropped-packet errors since the last reset.
StreamingPlayers Retrieves the total number of players that have streamed content from the server since the last reset.
StreamingHTTPPlayers Retrieves the total number of players that have streamed content by using the HTTP protocol from the server since the last reset.
StreamingRTSPPlayers Retrieves the total number of players that have streamed content by using the RTSP protocol from the server since the last reset.
StreamingUDPPlayers Retrieves the total number of players that have streamed content by using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) from the server since the last reset.
StreamTerminations Retrieves the total number of stream transmissions that have been terminated since the last reset.
UDPResendRequests Retrieves the number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) resend requests received since the last reset.
UDPResendsSent Retrieves the number of UDP resend requests processed since the last reset.
Method Description
Reset Resets the counters to the current values.

Example Code

The following example illustrates how to retrieve an IWMSServerTotalCounters object.

using Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

    // Retrieve a list of total statistics for the server.
    TotalCounters = Server.TotalCounters;
catch (COMException comExc) {
    // TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO: Handle exceptions.

See Also

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