AccessDeniedException |
The request failed because access was denied. |
AllocatedException |
The request failed because resources, such as a priority level, were already in use by another caller. |
BadFormatException |
The specified wave format is not supported. |
BadSendBufferGuidException |
The globally unique identifier (GUID) specified in an audiopath file does not match a valid mix-in buffer. |
Buffer |
Contains methods and properties used to manage sound buffers. |
Buffer3D |
Contains methods and properties used to retrieve and set parameters that describe the position, orientation, and environment of a sound buffer in 3-D space. |
BufferDescription |
Contains properties and methods that describe the characteristics of a new buffer object. |
BufferLostException |
The buffer memory has been lost and must be restored. |
BufferTooSmallException |
The buffer size is not large enough to enable effects processing. |
Capture |
Contains properties and methods used to create sound capture buffers. |
CaptureAcousticEchoCancellationEffect |
Represents a DirectSound capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports acoustic echo cancellation. This object requires Microsoft Windows XP or later. |
CaptureBuffer |
Contains properties and methods used to manipulate sound capture buffers. |
CaptureDevicesCollection |
Represents a collection of DeviceInformation structures for each available capture device. |
CaptureNoiseSuppressEffect |
Represents a DirectSound capture effects object used to set and retrieve parameters on a capture buffer that supports noise suppression. This object requires Microsoft Windows XP or later. |
ChorusEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports chorus. |
CompressorEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports compression. |
ControlUnavailableException |
The buffer control (volume, pan, and so on) requested by the caller is not available. Controls must be specified when the buffer is created. |
Device |
Contains methods and properties used to create buffer objects, manage devices, and set up the environment. |
DevicesCollection |
Represents a collection of DeviceInformation structures for each available sound device. |
DistortionEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports distortion. |
DSoundHelper |
Contains helper methods and fields for DirectSound. |
EchoEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports echo. |
EffectsUnavailableException |
The effects requested could not be found on the system, or they are in the wrong order or in the wrong location; for example, an effect expected in hardware was found in software. |
FlangerEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports flange. |
FullDuplex |
Represents a full-duplex stream. |
GargleEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports amplitude modulation. |
Interactive3DLevel2ReverbEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports Interactive 3-D Audio Level 2 (I3DL2) reverberation effects. |
InvalidCallException |
The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might not be valid. |
Listener3D |
Retrieves and sets parameters that describe a listener's position, orientation, and listening environment in 3-D space. |
NoAggregationException |
The object does not support aggregation. |
NoDriverException |
No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID. |
Notify |
Sets up notification events for a playback or capture buffer. |
ObjectNotFoundException |
The requested object was not found. |
OtherApplicationHasPriorityException |
Another application has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding. |
ParamEqEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports parametric equalizer effects. |
PriorityLevelNeededException |
A cooperative level of Priority or higher is required. |
SecondaryBuffer |
Contains methods and properties used to manage sound buffers that can support effects. |
SendLoopException |
A circular loop of send effects was detected. |
SoundException |
Root exception type for all DirectSound exceptions. Derives from DirectXException. |
UnsupportedException |
The function called is not supported at this time. |
WavesReverbEffect |
Represents a DirectSound effects object used to set and retrieve effect parameters on a SecondaryBuffer object that supports Waves reverberation. |