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Windows XP Media Center Edition SDK Using the \"More With This\" Feature 

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Using the \"More With This\" Feature

Media Center enables the More With This button in various categories (or contexts) in the Media Center user interface (DVD, Picture, Video, Album, and so on) when an application has registered an entry point for a particular context. For example, your application can provide additional actions for a photo in the Media Center UI, such as sharing the photo over the Internet.

When the user clicks the More With This button, Media Center displays the More With This page for the given context. This page contains links to all of the applications that have registered More With This entry points for the context. By clicking a link, the user starts the corresponding application and accesses additional content provided by the application.

You register More With This entry points by specifying one or more of the following categories in the category element of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) code used to register your application.

  • More With This\Audio\Album
  • More With This\Audio\Artist
  • More With This\Audio\Playlist
  • More With This\Audio\Song
  • More With This\Audio\Genre
  • More With This\DVD
  • More With This\Picture
  • More With This\Video

For more information, see Registering an HTML Application.

Because an application can include entry points in several More With This contexts, an application needs a way to determine the context from which the user started the application. To determine the context, an application can query the MediaContext properties.

See Also

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