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Windows XP Media Center Edition SDK Using the Services Feature 

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Using the Services Feature

By registering an entry point in one of the Services categories, you can enable the user to access your application from within the corresponding Media Center experience. For example, an application that provides a music streaming service can register an entry point in the Services\Audio category. That way, the user can invoke the application by clicking the More Music button from within Media Center's Music experience.

You register Services entry points by specifying one or more of the following categories in the category element of the XML code used to register your application.

  • Services\Audio
  • Services\Movies
  • Services\Pictures
  • Services\Radio
  • Services\TV
  • Services\MediaChanger (displays the application name on the Disc Manager page)

For more information, see Registering an HTML Application.

Because they are used simply to invoke applications, entry points in the Services categories do not have any contextual information associated with them. This in contrast to entry points in the More With This categories, which do have associated contextual information. For more information, see Using the "More With This" Feature.

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