Use this interface to access WSUS components.
To retrieve this interface, call AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer.
The IUpdateServer interface is derived from the System.Object class.
Public Methods
The IUpdateServer interface has the following public methods.
Method | Description |
CancelAllDownloads() | Cancels updates that are currently being downloaded to the WSUS server. |
CreateComputerTargetGroup(String) | Creates a target group that you use to target client computers for updates. |
Equals(Object) | Determines if the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetComponentsWithErrors() | Retrieves a list of server components that are currently in an error state. |
GetComputersNotContactedSinceCount(DateTime) | Number of clients that have not reported their status to the WSUS server since the specified time. |
GetComputerTarget(String) | Retrieves the specified client computer. |
GetComputerTargetGroup(Guid) | Retrieves the specified target group. |
GetComputerTargetGroups() | Retrieves a collection of all the target groups on the WSUS server. |
GetComputerTargets() | Retrieves a collection of all client computers that are known to the WSUS server. |
GetConfiguration() | Retrieves an IUpdateServerConfiguration that you use to configure the WSUS server. |
GetContentDownloadProgress() | Retrieves the progress of all updates that are currently downloading. |
GetDatabaseConfiguration() | Retrieves an IDatabaseConfiguration that you use to determine the database configuration. |
GetDownstreamServer(String) | Retrieves an interface to the specified downstream WSUS server. |
GetDownstreamServers() | Retrieves a collection of downstream WSUS servers that are registered with this WSUS server. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetInstallApprovalRule() | Retrieves the approval rule that is used to automatically download and install updates on target computers. |
GetRootUpdateCategories() | Retrieves a collection of the top-level categories on the WSUS server. |
GetScanApprovalRule() | Retrieves the approval rule used to automatically scan the target computers to determine if the update is applicable. |
GetStatus() | Retrieves statistics that summarize the current state of the WSUS server, updates, and the client computers. |
GetSubscription() | Retrieves a subscription instance that you use to manage the synchronization process. |
GetSubscriptionEvent(Guid) | Retrieves a subscription event that identifies changes to the subscription. |
GetSynchronizationInfo(Guid) | Retrieves information that is related to a specific synchronization process. |
GetType() | Retrieves the Type of the current instance. |
GetUpdate(UpdateRevisionId) | Retrieves the specified update. |
GetUpdateApproval(Guid) | Retrieves the specified approval. |
GetUpdateCategories() | Retrieves the list of all update categories that are known to the WSUS server. |
GetUpdateCategories(DateTime, DateTime) | Retrieves the update categories that were added within the specified date range. |
GetUpdateCategory(Guid) | Retrieves the category of updates for the given identifier. |
GetUpdateClassification(Guid) | Retrieves the requested update classification. |
GetUpdateClassifications() | Retrieves a collection of update classifications that are known to the WSUS server. |
GetUpdateClassifications(DateTime, DateTime) | Retrieves the update classifications that were added within the specified date range. |
GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime) | Retrieves all installation events for all clients for the specified date range. |
GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime, Guid) | Retrieves all installation events that were raised by all clients for the specified update and date range. |
GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime, Guid, WsusEventSource, WsusEventId[]) | Retrieves events based on the specified criteria. |
GetUpdateEventHistory(DateTime, DateTime, IComputerTarget) | Retrieves all installation events that were raised by the specified client for the specified date range. |
GetUpdates() | Retrieves a collection of the latest revision of each update. |
GetUpdates(ApprovedStates, DateTime, DateTime, UpdateCategoryCollection, UpdateClassificationCollection) | Retrieves a collection of updates based on the specified criteria. |
LogMessage(LogLevel, String, params Object[]) | Logs a message to the software distribution log file. |
RegisterComputer(String) | Registers a client computer with the WSUS server. |
ResetAndVerifyContentState() | Forces the synchronization of all update metadata on the WSUS server and verifies that all update files on the WSUS server are valid. |
ResumeAllDownloads() | Identifies the updates to download. |
SearchComputerTargets(String) | Retrieves a collection of target computers whose full domain name contains the given string. |
SearchUpdates(String) | Retrieves a collection of updates whose metadata contains the given string. |
ToString() | Retrieves a String that represents the current Object. |
Public Properties
The IUpdateServer interface has the following public property.
Property | Description |
PreferredCulture | Retrieves or sets the language code that you want the WSUS server to use when returning strings. |
Server | Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later. |
Namespace | Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration. |
Assembly | Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll). |
.NET Framework | Requires .NET Framework 1.1. |