Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace
The Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration namespace has the following elements:
You use the WSUS interfaces to access and manage WSUS. The IUpdateServer interface contains the methods that you use to retrieve the other interfaces. For example:
- Call IUpdateServer.GetSubscription to retrieve an instance of ISubscription, which you use to manage the types of updates that you want to synchronize with Microsoft Update.
- Call IUpdateServer.GetUpdate to retrieve an instance of IUpdate, which you use to approve an update for deployment.
- Call IUpdateServer.GetComputerTargetGroup to retrieve an instance of IComputerTargetGroup, which you use to manage a group of clients to which updates are deployed.
- Call IUpdateServer.GetConfiguration to retrieve an instance of IUpdateServerConfiguration, which you use to manage WSUS settings.
To retrieve an IUpdateServer instance, call AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer.
The WSUS classes are primarily collection classes returned by various interface methods.