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Defines constants for the possible events that WSUS and the client computers can raise.


Member Description Value
ClientDetectionComplete The client computer has successfully finished the detection process (scanning the client for applicable updates). 147
ClientDetectionFailed The client computer has failed the detection process (scanning the client for applicable updates). 148
ClientDownloadCanceled The client has canceled the download of the update. 163
ClientDownloadFailed The download of the update to the client computer has failed. 161
ClientDownloadSucceeded The download of the update to the client computer has succeeded. 162
ClientInstallationAtShutdownCompletedWithReboot The client has successfully installed the update during shutdown, which required the client computer to restart. 199
ClientInstallationAtShutdownFailed The client has failed to install the update during shutdown. 198
ClientInstallationAtShutdownSucceeded The client has successfully installed the update during shutdown. 197
ClientInstallationAtShutdownTimedOut The installation of the update has timed out on the client during shutdown. 200
ClientInstallationCanceled The client has canceled the installation of the update. 186
ClientInstallationCompletedWithReboot The client has successfully installed the update, which required the client computer to restart. 184
ClientInstallationFailed The client has failed to install the update. 182
ClientInstallationHidden The client has removed the update from the list of updates to install. 185
ClientInstallationPending The client is in the process of installing the update. 201
ClientInstallationSucceeded The client has successfully installed the update. 183
ClientInstallationTimedOut The installation of the update has timed out on the client. 187
ClientInstallationUnhidden The client has added the update back to the list of updates to install. 196
ClientInvalidPid The client has a process identifier (PID) that is not valid. 154
ClientScheduledInstallationCompletedWithReboot The scheduled installation of the update on the client has succeeded, which required the client computer to restart. 191
ClientScheduledInstallationFailed The scheduled installation of the update on the client has failed. 195
ClientScheduledInstallationSucceeded The scheduled installation of the update on the client has succeeded. 190
ClientScheduledInstallationTimedOut The installation of the update has timed out on the client during the scheduled synchronization process. 192
ClientStatus A client status event. 153
ClientUninstallationCanceled The client has canceled the removal of the update. 223
ClientUninstallationCompleteWithReboot The client has successfully removed the update, which required the client computer to restart. 224
ClientUninstallationFailed The client has failed to remove the update. 221
ClientUninstallationSucceeded The client has successfully removed the update. 222
ClientUninstallationTimedOut The removal of the update has timed out on the client. 225
ContentSynchronizationFailed The download of updates from Microsoft Update to WSUS has failed. 362
ContentSynchronizationFileDownloadCanceled The download of a file that is associated with an update has been canceled. 365
ContentSynchronizationFileDownloadFailed The download of a file that is associated with an update has failed. 364
ContentSynchronizationFileDownloadSucceeded The download of a file that is associated with an update has succeeded. 366
ContentSynchronizationStarted The download of updates from Microsoft Update to WSUS has started. 361
ContentSynchronizationSucceeded The download of updates from Microsoft Update to WSUS has succeeded. 363
EventTableFull Deleted some events because the event history table in the database was full. 505
FailedToAccessWusRegistryKey Failed to open the WSUS registry key. 504
LogFileWriteFailure An error has occurred while writing to the log file. 503
MaxTargetComputersReached The maximum number of target computers has been reached. 400
SelfUpdateTreeBroken The self update tree is not working. Clients may not be able to communicate with WSUS because they cannot update to the latest client. 506
SubscriptionModified The subscription has been modified. 389
SynchronizationCompletedCancel The synchronization of WSUS update metadata with Microsoft Update has been canceled. 387
SynchronizationCompletedFailure The synchronization of WSUS update metadata with Microsoft Update has failed. 386
SynchronizationCompletedSuccess The synchronization of WSUS update metadata with Microsoft Update has succeeded. 384
SynchronizationManualStart The synchronization of WSUS with Microsoft Update has been manually started. 382
SynchronizationScheduledStart The synchronization of WSUS with Microsoft Update based on the scheduled start time has been started. 381
WsusServiceStarted WSUS has been started. 501
WsusServiceStopped WSUS has been stopped. 502


Server Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server SP4 and later.

Defined in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.


Requires Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll).

.NET Framework

Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also

ISubscriptionEvent.WsusEventId, IUpdateEvent.WsusEventId, IUpdateServer.GetUpdateEventHistory